Pack 386 Pinewood Derby 2019 | | | | Start Your Engines (or power tools...) Here are the details for the 2019 Pinewood Derby: Where: [ tbd location ] address When: Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 Times: Check-In @ 8am - 9am ** No Late Entries ** Car Judging @ 9am - 9:30am Family Races @ 9:30am - 10:30am Scout Official Races @ 10:30am - 1:30pm Rules: See Rules link below Derby Cafe: Starting bright and early at check-in you will find volunteers hard a work operating the Pack 386 Derby Cafe. We will be selling Coffee, Doughnuts, Bagels, Water and Juice. | Pinewood Derby is a wonderful event that teaches sportsmanship and having respect for other people. It offers a fine way to help scouts and their adult partners bond and work together to achieve a common goal. Every scout comes away from the Pinewood Derby a winner! Two things the Pinewood Derby requires each participant to learn are: 1. Working together and using skills necessary to build a car, and 2. Following the rules Not sure where to start? >> Check out this helpful Pinewood Derby for Beginners site. << | Derby Car Build Dates | | Two build days Build Day 1 | Build Day 2 | Saturday, 1/6 10am - noon Abbotts Derby Garage 3456 Gabilan Way, Sacramento 95821 | Sunday, 2/4 1pm - 3pm Abbotts Derby Garage 3456 Gabilan Way, Sacramento 95821 | Things to bring | Things on site | | | | | District Finals | | The top 3 speed AND show finishers from the Pack are invited to compete at the District Race Event! District Derby Race Day: Saturday, March 24th, 2018 Location: Mel Rapton Honda 3630 Fulton Ave, Sacramento, CA Time: Registration time TBD | | | Pinewood Derby Car Construction rules for the Pony Express District The inspection judges are responsible to evaluate each car's adherence to the technical standards. Modifications may be made until final check-in. Once a car has passed inspection and placed in the impound yard, no further work may be done. ------------------- -
Materials: ace cars must be constructed from the parts contained in the Official Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Kit. Scouts may add materials to the car for design but not supplied parts may be replaced, with the exception of the wheels. Official BSA colored wheels may be substituted for the black wheels. -
Weight: Racecars may weigh no more than five (5) ounces (total weight). -
Size: Racecars may be no longer than 7 inches, nor wider than 2 3/4 (2.75) inches, nor taller than 5 inches (to clear the electronic timer). Underside clearance of at least 3/8 (0.375) inches and inside wheel to wheel clearance of at least 1 3/4 (1.75) inches. The nose height of no more than 3/4 (0.75) inch is recommended, so that the car will run on the racetrack and trigger the finish line electronics. Adequate clearance is the responsibility of the racecar builder. -
Staging: The entire car must stage behind the starting pin. There must be flat surface of at least ¼’’ (.25 inch) width on the front of the car for the starting pin. No part of the car may protrude past the front of the starting pin. -
Body: The car body may have no moving parts. -
Weights and Attachment: Weight may be added to the car and will be considered part of the car for purposes of all measurements. "Weight" is considered to be any material on the car that is not provided in the kit. All weight must be securely fastened to the car, e.g. by permanent glue, nails or screws. Weights shall not be moveable, non-magnetic, non-electric, non-sticky. -
Wheels and Axles: The car shall roll on all 4 wheels from the kit (or official BSA colored wheels). The wheels must turn about the axle nails from the kit. The axle nail dimensions may not be changed substantially; burs may be removed but not substantial material. The following may NOT be used in conjunction with the wheels or axles: hubcaps, washers, inserts, sleeves, or bearings. -
Wheels: Wheel treatment (hub and tread smoothing and polishing) may not result in substantial removal of mass or in reducing the tread (track contact) width from the original kit wheels. Wheel tread surface must be cylindrical. The wheel surface in contact with the track may not be cut, drilled, beveled or rounded. The words "Official B.S.A. Made in U.S.A." and other lettering on the wheels shall remain intact and clearly visible to the inspector. Some of the original "tread marks" on the wheel face must be intact, i.e. apparent to the inspector. -
Unacceptable Wheel and Axle Construction: The following may NOT be used in conjunction with the wheels or axles: hubcaps, washers, inserts, sleeves, or bearings. -
Lubricants: Only dry lubricant is permitted (i.e. powdered graphite). -
Gravity Powered: The racecar may not be constructed or treated in such a way that the track's starting mechanism imparts momentum to the car. Cars must be 100% gravity powered. (For instance, this provision disqualifies cars with sticky substances on the front f the car and protrusions that may catch on the starting pin.)   | |