One question that will come up almost immediately is "What equipment does my Scout need?" The troop is well supplied with equipment for most outings. The Scouts will need a few items of personal gear - we suggest the following: - a modest sized plastic insulated mug, a sleeping bag or blankets and a ground pad (preferably a closed cell foam pad, not an air mattress)
- a flashlight (the two AA cell sized maglite is ideal) or headlamp
- the Scout's personal hygiene kit (toothbrush, comb, etc.).
- We don't recommend that the Scouts use down sleeping bags, as they are expensive and will fail when wet - the Scouts will do fine with polyester or similar fiber bags. A mummy-style sleeping bag with hollow polyester fiber filling (Hollofill II or Polarguard for example) that is rated to 40 to 50 degrees will work well year round in Oklahoma. There are a few winter camping Trips that a zero degree bag should be used.\
Except for the sleeping bag, these items are very inexpensive and all can be obtained at Walmart, Dick's, Target or similar stores. Please see any of the adult leaders if you have questions. Consult the Scout Handbook or Scout Fieldbook for complete information on the right equipment for most types of camping. For most camp outs, each Scout will need to bring a sleeping bag and pad, good hiking shoes or boots, and arrange to share a tent with another Scout. Scouts BSA regulations require Scouts always maintain the “Buddy System”. This means that at all times they will be with one or more Scouts, even at night while sleeping. Troop 936 has a good supply of tents for Scouts. Adult leadership may utilize other tenting equipment but Scouts will use Troop supplied gear. On most camp outs, especially those designated as "backpacking", the Scout will need to bring his equipment in a backpack; for new Scouts and for occasional other camp outs, a duffel bag is satisfactory. Troop 936 recommends that parents not spend a great deal of money on equipment until the Scout gains some experience. For the first year or so of Scouting, many Troop members’ borrow the equipment they need. This provides them with the opportunity to become familiar with different types of gear and minimizes the expenditure. See the section later in this Handbook for a Camping Checklist. A similar checklist is found in most camping guides and in the Boy Scout Fieldbook.
Do's - Always bring a complete change of clothing (2 in wet weather) packed in zip-lock or weatherproof bags.
- Always bring several pairs of dry socks in waterproof bags.
- Boots-above-the-ankle is preferred footwear.
- Cameras are allowed, at Scout's own risk - consider the waterproof, disposable cameras.
- Always bring a ground cloth, poncho (or raincoat of some type), and work gloves.
- Always bring the Scout Handbook, notepad, and pencil.
- Come prepared for the weather, and come prepared for fun! Sports equipment is welcome unless it interferes with the individual's or the patrol's participation in the patrol and troop activities.
- If a Scout is on any prescribed medication, place the medication in an envelope with complete instructions and give to the adult leader in charge of the campout. It is the Scout's responsibility to go to the adult leader when it is time to take medication; the adult leader is only responsible for keeping track of the medications.
- Scouts should write their name on everything they bring, include the Troop number if it is a council or district activity where other Troops will be present - such as summer camp.
- The Class A uniform is always worn to and from camp and for Sunday chapel.
Don'ts - Never bring personal phones, radio's, TV's, or electronic games (these are allowed for in-car use only on long trips if the Scout has permission from the driver of the vehicle in which he is riding - if in doubt ask the adult leader in charge of the trip)
- Never bring any knives other than those approved under BSA guidelines. Troop 936 specifically prohibits large sheath knives. In most cases knives with blades no longer than three inches are adequate for camping.
- Never bring an axe or hatchet of any kind. Scouts who are trained and qualified having earned their “Paul Bunyan Woodsman Award” and have permission of the Scoutmaster may use Axes/hatchets. This being stated, axes and hatchets may only be used by Scouts in an “axe yard”.
- Never bring soda, candy, or snacks on any of the camp outs. This attracts ants and varmints and is potentially dangerous. Chewing gum on hikes is OK if trash and litter do not become a problem. If it does, gum will be added to the "don't" list.
- Never go on a camp out without required daily medications taken or brought. Parents will be called to bring the medication out to the campout location.
Frequent questions about this policy:Q: If 5 scouts a camp out what are the sleeping arrangements? A: The scouts use 3 tents. In tent #1, two scouts sleep and store their gear. In tent #2, three scouts sleep. In tent #3, the three scouts store their gear. Q:Can I go for a walk by myself? A:No, while on troop outings you are to be with a buddy at all times, this includes trips to the restroom. Q:Do I need to be with my buddy to walk around the campsite? A:No, only when you are leaving the area or after “lights out”. Q:My father/mother is coming to the camp out, can I sleep with them? A:No. While BSA policy does not expressly forbid this, it is discouraged. Troop policy is the Patrol method and you can not support or experience what your patrol does if you are not with your patrol.
Troop 936 conducts a full program of camping activities year round. Camp outs are held at least 10 times each year. Consult the current calendar for dates. Except for special camp outs all activities are conducted using the Patrol Method as outlined later in this manual.
Camp outs feature competitive events in Scouting skills, campfires, camp wide games, advancement, worship services, special activities and tours, not to mention lots and lots of fun. Part of the camping program is designed to teach Scouts how to deal with adversity such as bad weather. This requires participation. Camp outs are held rain or shine. A Scout should be prepared to protect them-self adequately from the elements. They receive instructions in these methods by regularly attending Scout meetings. Camp outs are only canceled in the event of unsafe conditions. Adult "coordinators" are assigned to each camp out. They are responsible for insuring that all permission slips and other required forms are turned in, all fees are paid, and that there are adequate vehicles and seat belts to transport the Scouts to and from the camp out. Coordinators are also expected to attend the camp out to serve as adult leadership. Medication Policy Scouting BSA recognizes that many Scouts and adult leaders occasionally, or even routinely, take some form of prescription medication to alleviate the symptoms of any number of legitimate acute or chronic conditions. The possession and use of legally prescribed medications is acceptable within the guidelines of this policy. - Each Scout must bear the responsibility for maintaining and administering any prescription medication.
- The Scout must provide adult Scouting BSA leaders with written authorization and instructions, signed by a parent or guardian, for any medication (prescription or otherwise) carried by the Scout.
- All medications must be carried in the original container. In the case of prescription medication, a legible label showing the Scouts name, name of the medication, the prescribing physician and prescription number must be affixed to the container.
- The Scout should carry only a quantity of medication sufficient to last the duration of the activity.
- Upon receipt of written authorization and instruction, adult Scouting BSA leaders may agree to assist the Scout in remembering to take the authorized medication at the proper time(s), but will not accept any responsibility for insuring that he does so.
- If the parent or guardian cannot accept these guidelines, he or she has the opportunity to accompany the Scout on the activity to insure that the medication is properly administered.
Scouts should never bring their own food unless the troop camping plan calls for a special arrangement. For example, a "nose-bag" (sack lunch) may be needed for travel to a distant camp out or for a first meal during winter camping months due to limited daylight or it is a wilderness survival or back-packing trip and it is called for.If a Scout commits to come to a camp out and then later becomes unable to attend, he should immediately notify his Patrol Leader so the shopping list can be modified. If the food has already been purchased, the Scout must pay the camp out fee. In other words, the Patrol should be able to plan on the Scout's participation. The Patrol and Patrol Method is a central feature in accomplishing the aims of Scouting. Every effort is made by the adult leadership to encourage Patrol participation and identity. Patrol names that fit the spirit of Scouting are appropriate. It is critical that Scouts be happy in their Patrol and that they contribute to their Patrol. Immediate problems need to be handled through the chain of command; - Patrol Leader (and/or Asst. Patrol Leader)
- Senior Patrol Leader
- Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
- Scoutmaster
Ongoing/constant problems need to be discussed with any Asst. Scoutmaster or Scoutmaster. One of the most important ways of solving a problem is to know what the problem is. For this, it is imperative that the Scouts follow the chain of command. One of the goals of this Troop is that every Scout learns how to communicate and learn to solve problems with Scout leadership. This teaches them reliance on peers, decision-making, independence, and responsibility.