If there is one thing about the uniform that is confusing it is certainly all the patches. Hopefully the following information will help!
The Pack will provide all rank badges, special award badges, activity badges, belt loop awards and WEBELOS pins.
Right sleeve:
American Flag: A red, white, and blue embroidered American Flag emblem for all members. Worn by all Cub Scouts. Centered directly below the shoulder seam, it is standard issue on all Scouting uniforms.
Den Numerals: A gold numeral embroidered on navy blue background. Worn by Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts centered and touching the bottom of the U.S. flag.
Quality Unit Award: If earned, the top of that patch goes 4" from the top of the shoulder seam.
Webelos Colors: Green, red, and gold streamers on a blue metal bar. A Pack option for wear by Webelos Scouts. Worn on the right sleeve immediately below and touching the U.S. flag. It covers the den (patrol) emblem and Quality Unit insignia. If den number is worn, Webelos colors are worn under and touching the Den number.
Left sleeve:
Council Patch: A council shoulder patch emblem is worn by all Cub Scouts directly below the shoulder seam. This emblem is unique to the BSA council hosting our Cub Scout Pack.
Pack Numerals: A white numeral embroidered on red background. Worn by all boys and pack leaders directly below council patch. When the veteran unit bar is worn, the Unit Numerals are worn just below, and touching it.

Left pocket:
World Crest: The World Crest emblem should be worn by all youth and adult leaders. The 1-1/2" diameter badge is white on a violet background. It contains a basic fleur motif encircled by a rope tied with a reef or square knot symbolizing the unity and brotherhood of the World Organization of Scouting Movement (WOSM) throughout the world. The emblem should be worn centered horizontally above the left pocket, and placed vertically between the left shoulder seam and the top of the pocket.
Rank badges: Worn as pictured, with the Bobcat at the 12 o'clock position, Tiger badge at 6 o'clock, Wolf at 9 o'clock and bear at 3 o'clock. If the Webelos badge is earned, the triangle-shaped badge may replace the Tiger badge at 6 o'clock. The tan oval-shaped Webelos badge if worn on the tan uniform replaces all other rank badges.
Service stars: Gold metallic numbered star worn to indicate years of service in Scouting.
Arrow of Light: A gold design embroidered on a tan background with a blue border. Worn on the left pocket flap centered over the button. This is the highest award in Cub Scouting and the only Cub Scout badge that may be worn on the Boy Scout uniform.
Religious emblems: Religious emblems earned by Cub Scouts or Webelos Scouts are worn centered above the left uniform shirt pocket. Medals are worn only on formal occasions such as official uniform inspections, blue and gold banquets, troop courts of honor, etc. The religious emblem square knot, silver knot on purple background, is worn over the left pocket of the Cub Scout uniform shirt by a Cub Scout who has earned his religious emblem. To learn more about the specific requirements for these recognitions and who to contact in your religious organization regarding them, visit the BSA Religious Emblems pages.

Right pocket:
The right pocket is reserved for temporary patches. Any insignia or patch authorized by the local council for a particular purpose, such as Cub Scout day camp, roundup programs, etc. worn by Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts centered on the right pocket of the uniform shirt. Only one temporary patch may be worn at a time. Additional temporary patches may be placed on a red vest that may be worn except during inspections, kept in a scrapbook or hung on a banner at home.
Outdoor Activity Award: Worn on the right pocket flap of the uniform shirt. Each successive time the award is earned, a wolf track pin may be added to the flap.
Recruiter Strip: Cloth strip presented to boys for recruiting another boy into the program. Worn by Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts centered, below, and touching the right pocket.