We are so glad you are considering joining Pack 152! We would be happy to provide your family with more information.
Email us cubscoutspack152@gmail.com
Join at: beascout.org
Our current, updated site is available at: cubscoutspack152.com
You are also invited to join us for our monthly pack meetings, where you can meet leaders, celebrate our packs accomplishments, and ask any questions you might have about Scouting.
The Cub Scouting program is uniquely designed to meet the needs of young boys and their families, through offering fun and challenging experiences that boys and parents do together.
Youth are looking for:
- Camping
- Hiking
- Racing
- Fishing
- Swimming
Parents are looking for:
- Values
- Variety of learning experiences
- Build friendships
- Build self-confidence
- Learn social skills
Children grow up fast. Give your son or daughter a valuable gift by encouraging him to join Cub Scouting today. The time you invest in them today will make a difference in the person they will become tomorrow.