Cub Scout Pack 306 is made up of girls and boys and their families from across Arlington with the bulk of the pack families from the Peirce, Stratton, or Bishop school districts. Our program depends entirely on the planning and participation of parents who make up the leadership of the Pack and help support activities throughout the year.
Pack 306 consists of several small groups of about five to ten scouts called Dens. Children are grouped into Dens by grade level.
Kindergartens and their adult partners form the Lion Cub Den(s).
First graders and their adult partners form the Tiger Cub Den(s). Second graders and their adult partners form the Wolf Cub Den(s). Third graders and their adult partners form the Bear Cub Den(s).
Fourth and Fifth graders belong to Webelos Dens and take part in more challenging experiences, such as overnight Den camping with parents, which helps them prepare to enter Scouts BSA at the end of fifth grade.
Children may join Cub Scouts at any age. For example, they do not have to have been a Wolf to join a Bear Den.
Each Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Den has an adult Den Leader and an Assistant Den Leader or other adult helper who plans the Den’s activities. These leaders are themselves parents of children in the Cub Scout program and they depend on the support and assistance of all the other parents in their Dens.
All Dens meet twice a month, once as a Den and once at the monthly Pack meeting.
All the Dens together form Pack 306. We meet as a Pack once each month. The Pack is led by a committee of parents.
We welcome and encourage you to participate in our Cub Scout meetings during the year. All meetings, outings, and events are open to any parent at any time.
Den meetings. Dens meet at least once a month. At least two adults are required to be present at each Den meeting, which should generally be the Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader. If your Den does not have a designated Assistant Den Leader, your Den Leader will need your help to serve as an assistant during the year. The Den Leader chooses the date and time of the Den meetings.
Pack meetings. Pack meetings are for all the boys of Pack 306 and their families. We encourage the whole family to attend the Pack meeting; we expect at least one parent will attend each Pack meeting with his or her Cub Scout. Unless announced differently, Pack meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month in the auditorium of the First Baptist Church on Mass. Ave from 7:00-8:00 p.m. You will find that we strive to begin each meeting at 7:00 p.m. sharp. Please plan to arrive a little early for each meeting.
Special events. Almost every month, we try to have planned special events and outings. In the past, these included a fall hike, Museum of Science camp-in, Cub Olympics and the Franklin Park Zoo/Stone Zoo/USS Massachusetts/Family Camping sleepovers. You and your entire family are encouraged to participate in these events whenever your schedule permits. Some of these events require advance registration and an additional fee. Details will be announced at Pack meetings, listed on the Pack website calendar or you can contact your Den Leader or Cubmaster for further information.
Leader meetings. The leaders of Pack 306 meet once each month to discuss organizational matters, future events and exchange ideas. In addition, a monthly council roundtable is held the second Thursday of each month for scout leaders from the surrounding Boston area.
A schedule of Pack meetings and events for the Scouting year can be found on the Pack's website.

Each Cub Scout will need his or her own uniform. (The pack provides the neckerchief and slide as well as the Handbook for each rank so you do not need to purchase them.)
Uniforms and other scouting supplies can be purchased from the...
Woburn Scout Shop - Tower Office Park, Woburn, MA 01801
- 781.937.4282
- woburnscoutshop@scouting.org
- Hours
- Mon-Fri: 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
- Sat: 9:30 am - 3:00 pm
- Sept. 16th- 20th the Woburn Scout Shop will be closed for remodeling
- Extended Hours in September & October:
- Monday & Tuesday 9:30am- 6:00pm
- Wednesday- Friday 9:30am- 7:00pm
- Saturday 9:30am- 5:00pm
Scout Store staff are very helpful if you have any questions about uniforms or anything else related to Cub Scouting.
Although the official BSA policy requires uniform pants and a hat, Pack 306 does not require you to purchase the official pants and hat. Any dark blue pants (preferably other than jeans) can be worn with the uniform.
Lion Cub Uniform For Lion Cubs, the uniform consists of a blue Lion Cub Tee Shirt, blue hat and neckerchief. | | Tiger Cub Uniform For Tiger Cubs, the uniform consists of a blue Cub Scout Uniform shirt and matching orange hat and neckerchief. Tiger Cubs who earn Academic or Sports belt loops will need to obtain the official Tiger Cub belt. Since the blue Cub Scout shirt can be worn from first grade through fifth grade, we recommend parents of children just starting Cub Scouts in second or third grade to purchase a shirt that will allow plenty of room for growth. We also recommend that you buy a short sleeve uniform shirt. During winter months, scouts can wear a turtle-neck or sweatshirt under their shirt for extra warmth. | |  | Wolf and Bear Cub Scout Uniform Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts wear the blue Cub Scout uniform shirt. The uniform consists of the uniform shirt, selected patches (see “Patches” below), a neckerchief for their age-level (yellow for Wolves, blue for Bears), a neckerchief slide, official blue belt, and yellow-and-blue Cub Scout cap. | Webelos Uniform The Webelos uniform consists of the uniform shirt, selected patches (see “Patches” below), the Webelos neckerchief, the Webelos neckerchief slide, uniform belt, and dark green Webelos cap. Webelos Scouts may either wear the blue Cub Scout uniform or the khaki-and-tan Boy Scout uniform. Again, dark blue pants are to be worn with the blue Cub Scout uniform and dark green or khaki pants with the tan uniform shirt. The Webelos uniform is the same for both fourth and fifth graders. | | Patches. When purchasing a uniform, Cub Scouts and Webelos also need to obtain several patches: 1. | World Crest emblem | | 2. | Boston Minuteman Council strip Changed to Spirit of Adventure Council (2015) - Either one is acceptable | | 3. | Den Number patch (Ask your Den Leader for Den Number) | | 4. | Pack numerals |  |
Placement of Patches. Patches are designed to be sewn onto the uniform. Guides for patch placement can be found inside the front and back covers of the Wolf and Bear books. Note that only one “temporary patch” is permitted on the uniform at a time (and then only on the right pocket). Temporary patches include those from the Cub Olympics, day camp, Museum of Science Camp-In, and so forth.
Handbooks. Pack 306 provides each Scout with a handbook. We recommend parents familiarize themselves with their child's book.
Wearing the Uniform. Cub Scouts should wear their uniform at all Den meetings, Pack meetings, and outings. We also expect that scouts will wear their Cub Scout shirts tucked into their pants.
The Boys Scouts of America (BSA), to which Pack 306 belongs, is a non-profit organization. Pack 306 receives no funding from BSA or Spirit of Adventure Council (Boston Area) of the BSA. Pack 306 must be self-supporting and free of debt. Although all of our leadership consists of volunteers, we must ensure we have the funds to support the main activities of the Pack, including leader training, awards, Pinewood Derby, and Blue and Gold Dinner. We must also pay the BSA a registration fee for each child to cover insurance costs and Council programs.
Pack 306’s annual registration dues are currently $70 per scout (with a graduated scale for families with more than one active/participating Cub Scout). Of this amount, approximately $60 goes to the the national BSA organization and the Greater Boston council for insurance and council support, and $12 for a subscription to Boy’s Life (soon to be Scout's Life), the monthly magazine for scouts. All registered Cub Scouts will receive an individual New England Adventure Card from the Spirit of Adventure Council each calendar year. More information can be found here: https://www.newenglandbasecamp.org/adventure-card/.
All remaining Pack costs are funded through popcorn sales including subsidies for scouts and siblings for Pack activities like the Museum of Science sleepover and the Lowell Spinners sleepover. Pack 306 also provides handbooks, neckerchiefs/slides each year and one Pack "Do Your Best" Tee Shirt upon registration to all scouts.
In addition to annual registration dues, there are several other costs: Each scout needs a uniform, the essential items of which can cost about $60. A variety of optional outings may require an additional fee - such as sleepovers, kayaking, and summer day camp. Although each family’s total scouting expenses will depend on the optional activities you choose, and the size of your family, a typical year in Cub Scouting might cost over $200 for a family.
Estimated Family Costs for a “Typical” Cub Scouting Year Registration: | $70 | Uniform (one-time fee): | $60 | One Sleepover (parent & scout): | $90* | Outing (parent & scout): | $40* | TOTAL: | $260 | (*Denotes an optional outing or expense)
Pack 306 is committed to ensuring that every child can participate the Cub Scouting experience without regard to family financial circumstances. If at any time such circumstances would prevent your child’s participation in any Cub Scouting activity, please contact the Cubmaster or other leader. All requests will be treated confidentially.
The adult leaders of Pack 306 do their best to provide a quality program. It must be kept in mind, though, that they are volunteers and have many other obligations outside of Cub Scouting. For your child to get the most of our Cub Scouting, he or she will also need to depend on you, both to help him/her, and to help the Cub Scout program of which your scout is a part. We expect every parent to help the Pack in some capacity. The most important job is Den Leader, but there are many other areas where your help in running the Pack is needed and appreciated.
The following guidelines are designed to help you and your child get the most out of Cub Scouting: - Be on Time. Please arrive at all meetings and events on time. Also, unless arrangements have been made with your Den Leader, please be prompt to pick-up your child from Den meetings.
- Read Your Handbook. Support your child’s involvement in Cub Scouting by becoming familiar with his/her advancement requirements. If you read through the handbook, you will be better prepared to support your child's efforts to “do your best.”
- Report an Absence Ahead of Time. Den Leaders spend a lot of time preparing for Den and Pack activities that include your child. If your child will be unable to attend a Pack or Den meeting, please let your Den Leader know as soon as possible.
- Reinforce Good Conduct During Meetings. Parents share with Cub Scout leaders responsibility for ensuring proper conduct by their children. Please stress that good behavior is part of being a Cub Scout, and set a good example by being respectful of others during Pack meetings.
- Support Good Turns. The Pack and Dens will provide opportunities for children to give service to the community. We ask that you support these opportunities for your scout to learn the art of giving.
- Be in Uniform. Please make sure that your child is in uniform for all Cub Scout meetings and events. Support his/her accomplishments by seeing that his/her advancement patches promptly become part of their uniform.
- Participate. Your child will get more out of Cub Scouting if you get involved. You are expected to volunteer in some way during the year. You should also take your share in organizing Den meetings and working with the Den Leader of your child's Den. Cub Scouting is only successful when parents participate actively.
The Boy Scouts of America is the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training. Through our world-class programs, we bring together youth of every race, religion, gender, ethnic background, and economic status in programs to develop character, citizenship, and fitness. We work to ensure every youth and adult member has the opportunity to join a local unit that aligns with his or her beliefs and with the experience he or she wants within the Scouting community. We teach youth members to be helpful, friendly, courteous and kind to all and to respect those whose beliefs differ from their own. Starting in 2018, we serve boys and girls through single-gender dens in the Cub Scout program. In 2019, we will also introduce a program that will enable both older boys and older girls to join single-gender troops and earn the highest rank of Eagle Scout. We also offer co-ed programs, serving young men and young women, such as Venturing, STEM Scouts, Exploring and Learning for Life. It is the philosophy of Scouting to welcome all eligible youth, regardless of race, ethnic background, gender or orientation, who are willing to accept Scouting’s values and meet any other requirements of membership. Prejudice, intolerance and unlawful discrimination are unacceptable within the ranks of the Boy Scouts of America. Scouting will continue to focus on reaching and serving youth to help them grow into good, strong citizens. By focusing on the goals that unite us, we are able to accomplish incredible things for young people and the communities we serve.
- Pack meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and last approximately one hour. All Pack meetings will be held in the auditorium of the First Baptist Church unless otherwise announced.
- Pack meetings are for the entire family! Cub Scouts are expected to attend with at least one parent -- everyone in your family is welcome and encouraged to participate.
- In order for a Cub Scout to receive an award at a monthly Pack meeting, parents must notify the Cub Scout’s Den Leader no fewer than eight days before the Pack meeting.
- Cub Scouts are expected to wear their uniforms to all meetings and events. Uniform shirts should be worn tucked into pants.
- You will receive a schedule of Den meetings from your Den Leader.
- All Pack leaders meetings will be held in the library of the First Baptist Church, on the Monday 2 weeks prior to the Pack meeting, unless otherwise announced. Pack leaders’ meetings held at the church typically begin at 8:00 p.m.
- Monthly summer events will be scheduled for July and August each year and will be announced in the spring.
- For more information about Pack 306 events, please contact your Den Leader, the Cubmaster, or Assistant Cubmaster.