Youth Training
Youth Protection Training
- Cub Scouts: "It Happened To Me" (video available from the Council Office, to be shown with a parent present).
- Boy Scouts: "A Time to Tell" (video available from the Council Office).
- Venturers: Take youth protection training online at the BSA Online Learning Center.
Leadership Training
The Scouting program is full of opportunities for our youth to develop the skills and character traits that make them leaders. At the Boy Scout and Venture levels, youth training is an important part of developing these leadership skills and putting them into practice.
Youth Training - Boy Scouts
Leadership Training for Boy Scouts
Boy Scouts receive their initial training within their troop. Advanced youth leadership courses are offered at the council and national levels. These advanced courses provide a great opportunity to learn new ideas and bring them back to your troop.
Youth Training - Boy Scouts
Leadership Training for Boy Scouts comes in a number forms and from an number of sources. Boy Scouts receive their initial Junior Leader Training (JLT) within their troop from their Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader. Advanced youth leadership courses are offered at the council and national levels. These advanced courses provide a great opportunity to learn new ideas and bring them back to the troop level.
Note: The
patch signifies that youth leaders have completed training for the position position of responsibility in which they are currently serving. With each change of position of responsibility, youth leaders must be trained for their current position to keep wearing the "Trained" patch.
Youth Protection Training
For youth protection training Boy Scouts should complete the exercises and discussions in the "How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse and Drug Abuse: A Parent�s Guide" inserted in every Boy Scout and Cub Scout handbook.
Also, an additional training is to view the "A Time to Tell" video (available from the Council Office).
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
An exciting, action-packed program designed to provide youth members of the Boy Scouts of America with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others. Taught at the council level.
Next course: Summer Camp 2012
Next course info: See the course website to learn more about NYLT. Note that the course prerequisites include that participants be registered Scouts, 14 years old or older, First Class rank or above, who have two years summer camp experience, and will be in a leadership position (or are likely to assume a leadership position) within the next Scouting year.
National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE)
An advanced week-long training course that serves as a follow-on program to NYLT, often held at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. This wilderness experience develops Scouts' leadership skills through backcountry challenges. See the NAYLE Web site for more information regarding course content.
Next course: Stay tuned for details about summer 2012.
Next course info:
Den Chief Training
Recommended for any Boy Scout interested in serving as a Den Chief for a den at the Pack level. This training will help the Den Chief learn about his responsibilities and what will be expected of him. The training will also cover games, songs, and other activities that help a Den Chief make a positive contribution to the den.
The Den Chief training is available online through the BSA Online Learning Center, but it's typically a lot more fun to take the live (rather than virtual) course.
Next course: December 3, 2011 in Hanson
Next course info: See 12/3 course flyer
Leave No Trace
Hands-on training in the seven principles of Leave No Trace (LNT) and how to apply them. LNT camping is growing in popularity, and many camping areas now require you to use LNT methods. LNT has also been added to the Boy Scout advancement requirements. Take this training to become more familiar with LNT and gain valuable skills to share with your unit.
This training is for youth and adult leaders.
Next course: Not yet scheduled
Next course info:
Venturing Leader Specific 
An introduction to the methods of the Venturing program and the responsibilities of a Crew Advisor, Crew President, or other officers.
This training is for youth and adult leaders.
Next course: Sorry, this course already happened in October. Stay tuned for a spring 2012 offering.
Next course info:
A training opportunity designed to help Venturing leaders and Scouters safely conduct outdoor activities. This course is based on the Venturing Ranger requirements. Participants will have the option to participate in a variety of hands-on activities.
This training is for youth and adult leaders.
Next course: Boston Minuteman's 2011 course was cancelled. Stay tuned for more information about 2012 courses.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops
The purpose of the Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops course is to teach Scouts with leadership positions about their new roles and how to most effectively reach success in that role. It is intended to help Boy Scouts in leadership positions within their troop understand their responsibilities and to equip them with organizational and leadership skills to fulfill those responsibilities. Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops is the first course in the series of leadership training offered to Boy Scouts and is a replacement for Troop Leadership Training.
Online (multi-lingual) version
Printable (PDF) version