- Your son can be a Scout if he has completed the fifth grade, or is 11 years old, or has earned the Arrow of Light award (from Cub Scouts). He must be younger than 18 years old. Other details are here: https://beascout.scouting.org
- Fill out the "Join Boy Scouting" application. Dues are $70 per year and are collected each December. Dues cover Council insurance, a subscription to Boy's Life magazine, advancement awards, and help defray troop equipment costs. Contact the scoutmaster or other adult for the current fee schedule.
- Please fill out the "Troop Resource Survey" to help discover your interests and identify areas of service. As Scouting is a volunteer organization, the troop cannot succeed without your help! Adults are welcome to participate in all outings. We always need help transporting, arranging, and facilitating outings. You may also wish to help more directly and are encouraged to join as an adult leader.
- Your new scout needs a Boy Scout Handbook and uniform shirt - complete with "413" numbers and Miami Valley Council patch. These are readily purchased at the Scout Shop in Dayton (937-278-4825).
- A calendar of events is issued about every month. It details the meeting and outings schedules for the near future. You can click on the "Looking Ahead" link to the left to see activities we have scheduled.
- We encourage the boys to buy and use a notebook just for scouting. This helps them stay organized, keep the current calendar, plus provide a place for notes and the occasional assignment. The notebook and Scout Handbook should be brought to meetings.
- Your scout ultimately needs some basic gear for the monthly outings. We camp year round! (The troop maintains tents and cooking equipment). At a minimum consider: sleeping bag and ground pad, water bottles or canteen, small backpack for carrying lunch and water on a hike (book bag), rain gear (a rain suit is recommended over a poncho), mess kit (bowl, plate, cup, spoon, fork), duffel bag to transport your scout equipment to/from outings, other items are discussed in the Handbook. A detailed equipment list is on the "Forms" page (available to members only).
- Most outings have a moderate fee of $10 - $30 to cover transportation, patches, camping fees and food. Permission slips are distributed before each outing. They are due back the meeting before the outing, along with fees. The troop is also supported by periodic fund raising projects for which we ask your scout to participate. We receive money from the church only when it is designated Boy Scouts on offering envelopes.
- One of the highlights of the year is summer camp, scheduled for a week in June or July. It offers numerous exciting activities: swimming, canoeing, sailing, rifle, shotgun, archery, climbing, horseback riding, and more! This is not to be missed! A scout has a great opportunity to learn skills and advance in rank all for about $175 for the week!
- All mention of fees can be paid directly from the scout's account - which he builds through and annual fund raiser.
- If you need more info, including testimonials from parents, check out this web link that has great information for all those contemplating - The Scout Zone.
This only looks complicated - stop in at one of our regular meetings and we'll help get you signed up!
updated 3/24/14 S.Lawrence