Cub Scouting includes a plan of advancement for each boy that emphasizes learning by doing.
Did you know your son can earn many awards as a Cub Scout? Whether it is rank advancement or one of the many other individual awards, there is plenty for him to set his sights on and be recognized for his achievements.
On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses from rank to rank, learning new skills as he goes. Each of the ranks and awards in Cub Scouting has its own requirements. As your son advances through the ranks, the requirements become more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities he learns as he is older.
BobcatNo matter what age or grade a boy joins Cub Scouting, he must earn his Bobcat badge before he can advance to the rank of Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos or Arrow of Light. A boy must complete the Bobcat requirements, which include:
- Learn and say the Cub Scout motto, the Scout Oath, and the Scout Law and tell what they mean;
- Show the Cub Scout sign, salute, and handshake and tell what they mean, and
- Show that he understands and believes that it is important to be honest and trustworthy.

Boys entering 1st Grade will first earn the Bobcat rank. To earn the Tiger badge, a boy must complete six (6) adventures and one elective adventure. For each adventure completed, the boy receives a belt loop as immediate recognition.
The required adventures include Backyard Jungle, Games Tigers Play, My Family's Duty to God, Team Tiger, Tiger Bites, and Tigers in the Wild. The boys will observe nature, play games in the den, learn about nutrition, hike, and learn about community involvement.

The Wolf rank is for boys who have finished 1st Grade (or who are 8 years old). To earn the Wolf badge, a boy must complete six (6) required adventures and one elective adventure. His parent or guardian approves each achievement by signing his scout book. For each adventure completed, he will receive the adventure belt loop as immediate recognition. When the boy has met all requirements, the Wolf badge is presented to his parent or guardian at the next pack meeting.
The required adventures include Call of the Wild, Council Fire, Duty to God Footsteps, Howling at the Moon, Paws on the Path, and Running with the Pack. The Wolves will begin camping out, participating in campfire activities, hike, and learn about physical activity.
After he has earned the Wolf badge, a Wolf Cub Scout can work on the remaining elective adventures until he finishes the 2nd Grade (or turns 9 years old).

The Bear rank is for boys who have finished 2nd Grade (or are 9 years old). To earn the Bear badge, a boy must complete six (6) required adventures and one elective adventure. His parent or guardian approves each achievement by signing his scout book. For each adventure completed, he will receive the adventure belt loop as immediate recognition. When the boy has met all requirements, the Bear badge is presented to his parent or guardian at the next pack meeting.
The required adventures include Bear Claws, Bear Necessities, Fellowship and Duty to God, Fur, Feathers and Ferns, Grin and Bear It, and Paws for Action. The Bears will continue to camping out, participating in campfire activities, learn about sense of community, learn about pocket knife safety, hike, and learn about physical activity.
After he has earned the Wolf badge, a Wolf Cub Scout can work on the remaining elective adventures until he finishes the 3rd Grade (or turns 10 years old).

Webelos dens are for boys who have completed 3rd Grade (or reached age 10). The Webelos den program is different from the Cub Scout den program. Everything in the Webelos Scout program is more challenging than what younger boys in the pack do. Webelos Scouts get to work on five (5) required adventures and two elective adventures.
The required adventures include: Cast Iron Chef, Duty to God and You, First Responder, Stonger, Faster, Higher, Webelos Walkabout. The elective adventures are shared with the Arrow of Light rank: Adventures in Science, Aquanaut, Art Explosion, Aware and Care, Build It, Build My Own Superhero, Castaway, Earth Rocks!, Engineer, Fix It, Game Design, Into the Wild, Into the Woods, Looking Back, Looking Forward, Maestro!, Moviemaking, Project Family, and Sportsman.
When a Webelos scout has done the requirements for an adventure, the Webelos den leader – rather than a parent – approves most of the adventures.
Arrow of Light

The highest rank in Cub Scouting is the Arrow of Light (AOL) Award. Earning this rank prepares a Webelos Scout to become a Boy Scout. Webelos Scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light Award have also completed all requirements for the Boy Scout badge.
The required adventures for AOL include: Building a Better World, Camper, Duty to God in Action, and Scouting Adventure. In addition to the four required adventures, the boy must complete three elective adventures different from the two completed for the Webelos rank. The elective adventures are as follows: Adventures in Science, Aquanaut, Art Explosion, Aware and Care, Build It, Build My Own Superhero, Castaway, Earth Rocks!, Engineer, Fix It, Game Design, Into the Wild, Into the Woods, Looking Back, Looking Forward, Maestro!, Moviemaking, Project Family, and Sportsman.
Crossing Over
After the achievement of the Arrow of Light, the Cub Scout may chose to cross over into Boy Scouts. There are a few local Troops from which the boy can choose. As a part of the Scouting Adventure, the boys will visit local Troops to observe and participate in campouts.