William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt (1900–1992), left, and his mentor Lord Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941); the two men with the largest impact on the founding and development of the Boy Scouts of America. This photo was taken outside of the Hillcourt cottage at Schiff Scout Reservation, Mendham, New Jersey, on July 15, 1935.
- The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated
- February 8, 1910
- Under the laws of the District of Columbia
- Thirty-four national representatives of boys’ work agencies met, June 21
- Met in a temporary national headquarters in a YMCA office in New York
- Developed organization plans
- Founders of Scouting: (click here to learn more)
- William D. Boyce, incorporator
- Colin H. Livingstone, president
- Daniel Carter Beard, national Scout commissioner
- Ernest Thompson Seton, Chief Scout
- James E. West, Chief Scout Executive
- President William Howard Taft, honorary president
- Former President Theodore Roosevelt, honorary vice president and Chief Scout Citizen
- National Council office opened, January 2
- 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City
- 7 employees
- First annual meeting
- At the White House, Washington, D.C.
- Addressed by President Taft
- The Scout Oath, Scout Law, badges, and fundamental policies were adopted
- National Court of Honor presented the first awards for heroism: 22 Bronze Medals
- First Eagle Scout, August 12
- First national civic Good Turns were performed
- Promotion of a safe and sane Fourth of July
- Sea Scouting began
- Boys’ Life
became the official BSA magazine
- First local council charters were issued
- Scouting
became the official magazine for volunteers
- First Scout Sunday was celebrated
- First tree-planting project was held in New York
- Training for Scout leaders was developed
- First William T. Hornaday gold medal for the conservation of wildlife
- National office to train all Scouters was established
- Fifty-seven merit badge pamphlets were issued
- The Handbook for Scoutmasters was issued
- The Order of the Arrow
- Constitution and bylaws were adopted
- The first college course in Scouting began at Teachers College, New York
- Scouting’s full resources were placed at the service of the government
- Slogan: ‘‘Help Win the War’’
- The first winter camp was held by Chicago Scouts
Scouts’ War Effort: 1917–1918
- Sold Liberty bonds and war savings stamps totaling more than $355 million.
- Collected 100 railroad cars full of nutshells and peach pits for gas mask manufacturing
- Distributed more than 300 million pieces of government literature
- Aided in food and fuel conservation projects
- Planted 12,000 Boy Scout war gardens
- BSA adopted the slogan ‘‘The War Is Over, but Our Work Is Not’’
- Scouts rendered nationwide service during the influenza epidemic
- First four Gold Medals were awarded by the National Court of Honor for saving a life at the risk of the rescuer’s own
- U.S. Bureau of Naturalization invited Scouts to aid in its Americanization program
- President Woodrow Wilson established National Boy Scout Week
- First World Jamboree, 1920
- London, England
- 8,000 Scouts from 34 countries were present
- 301 BSA members attended
- The international left handclasp was adopted, 1923
- Northern Tier high-adventure base began offering canoe adventures, 1923
- Every Scout a Swimmer program began, 1924
- Second world jamboree, 1924
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- 56 BSA members attended
- First Silver Buffalo Awards for distinguished service to boyhood were awarded, 1926
- Twenty-two awards given
- The first was awarded to Baden-Powell
- The second was presented in the honor of the unknown Scout whose Good Turn brought Scouting to America
- National office was moved to 2 Park Avenue, New York City, 1927
- Cub Scout program was formally launched, 1930
- 5,102 Cub Scouts by the end of the first year
- First Silver Beaver awards for distinguished service to boyhood within a council, 1931
- President Roosevelt called for help from the Scouts for the distressed and needy, 1934
- Nationwide Good Turn
- Collected 1,812,284 items of clothing, household furnishings, foodstuffs, and supplies
- Silver Jubilee of Scouting, 1935
- Membership passed 1 million, 1935
- Proposed national jamboree was canceled because of an infantile paralysis epidemic, 1935
- First national jamboree, 1937
- Washington, D.C., at the invitation of President Roosevelt
- 27,232 attended, representing 536 councils
- Philturn Rockymountain Scoutcamp established
- Gift from Waite Phillips, 1938
- 35,857 acres of land near Cimarron, New Mexico
- Philmont Scout Ranch established
- Additional gift from Waite Phillips, 1941
- Residence and ranch buildings
- Livestock and operating ranch equipment
- Contiguous to former Philturn Rockymountain Scoutcamp
- Total combined acreage: 127,000
- First Silver Antelope Awards for distinguished service to youth within a region, 1943
- Councils and campsites by 1949
- 543 councils
- 831 campsites
- 288,545 acres
Scouts’ War Effort: 1941–1945
- Included 69 specific requests from the government
- Collected 30 million pounds of rubber during a two-week drive
- 20,000 Scouts earned the Gen. Douglas MacArthur Medal for Victory Gardens
- Distributed pledge cards for war bonds and savings stamps
- Distributed stamp posters
- Collected aluminum, wastepaper, and salvage
- Conducted defense housing surveys
- Distributed air-raid posters
- Served as messengers and dispatch bearers
- Assisted emergency medical units
- Served as fire watchers
- Second national jamboree, 1950
- Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
- 47,163 Scouts and leaders attended
- First Boy Scout stamp issued by the U.S. Post Office Department, 1950
- 2 million pounds of clothing collected for domestic and foreign relief, 1952
- Distributed more than a million posters and 30 million Liberty Bell doorknob hangers in the Get-Out-the-Vote campaign, 1952
- 20-millionth member joined, 1952
- Third national jamboree, 1953
- Irvine Ranch, California
- 45,401 Scouts and leaders attended
- Boys’ Life circulation passed 1 million, 1954
- National office moved to New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1954
- More than 100,000 units, 1954
- More than 1 million adult volunteers, 1954
- Fourth national jamboree, 1957
- Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
- 50,100 Scouts and leaders attended
- 15 millionth copy of the Handbook for Boys, 1957
- Scouting’s Golden Jubilee, 1960
- Fifth national jamboree, 1960
- Colorado Springs, Colorado
- 53,378 Scouts and leaders attended
- Johnston Historical Museum
- Dedicated June 4, 1960
- New Brunswick, New Jersey
- Sixth national jamboree, 1964
- Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
- 52,000 Scouts and leaders attended
- 500,000th Eagle Scout honored, 1965
- 40 millionth member registered, 1965
- BSA hosted the 12th world jamboree, 1967
- Farragut State Park, Idaho
- 12,000 Scouts and leaders from 107 countries attended
- First female Explorers, 1969
- Seventh national jamboree, 1969
- Farragut State Park, Idaho
- 35,000 youth and leaders attended
- Scouting Keep America Beautiful Day
- June 5, 1971
- Scouts collected more than a million tons of litter
- National Eagle Scout Association formed, 1972
- Eighth national jamboree at two sites, 1973
- Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania
- Farragut State Park, Idaho
- 64,000 youth and leaders attended
- Ninth national jamboree, 1977
- Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania
- 28,600 Scouts and leaders attended
- National office moved to Irving, Texas, 1979
- 30 millionth Cub Scout, 1980
- Florida National High Adventure Sea Base was opened for Scouts, 1980
- 10th national jamboree, 1981
- Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia
- 30,000 Scouts and leaders attended
- The 1 millionth Eagle Scout, 1982
- 75th anniversary, 1985
- Theme: “Pride in the Past ... Footsteps to the Future"
- 11th national jamboree, 1985
- Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia
- 32,615 Scouts and leaders attended
- First Scouting for Food National Good Turn, 1988
- More than 60 million food items were collected
- 12th national jamboree, 1989
- Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia
- 33,000 Scouts and leaders attended
- Learning for Life established, 1991
- Character-building program for the classroom
- 700,000 youth participated in the first year
- 13th national jamboree, 1993
- Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia
- 33,000 Scouts and leaders attended
- 13th national jamboree, 1993
- Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia
- 26,000 Scouts and leaders attended
- 14th national jamboree, 1997
- Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia
- 35,000 Scouts and leaders
- Coed program, Venturing, was launched for youth 14 to 20 years old.
- The 100-millionth youth member, 2000
- 15th national jamboree, 2001
- Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia
- 40,000 youth and leaders attended
- National Scouting Museum was built, 2002
- 50,000-square-foot facility
- Next to the national office in Irving, Texas
- 16th national jamboree, 2005
- Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia
- 43,000 Scouts and leaders attended
- ArrowCorps5, 2008
- In cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service
- 3,600 Scouts and adult volunteers participated
- $5.6 million worth of improvements made to national parks
- The 2 millionth Eagle Scout, 2009
- The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve, 2009
- The single largest gift ever made to the BSA
- Near Beckley, West Virginia
- Future home for:
- Scouting Leadership and Training Center
- National Scout Jamboree
- Scouting's 100th Anniversary, 2010