| Bear Scout Resources |
Cub Scout Promise: I promise to do my best to do my duty To God and my country, To help other people, And to obey the Law of the Pack. Law of the Pack The Cub Scout follows Akela. The Cub Scout helps the pack go. The pack helps the Cub Scout grow. The Cub Scout gives good will. Cub Scout Motto Do Your Best | |
If a Cub Scout has completed the second grade (or is 9 years old) and has earned the Bobcat Badge, he may start earning the Bear rank. This part of the boy scout trail is intended to take one school year, preparing the scout to begin earning his Webelo rank after he completes second grade.

Starting the path to the Wolf Cub Rank, a scout first earns the Bobcat badge - this is the first step for all Cub Scouts.
Bears will need a blue Cub Scout Uniform

Uniforms may be purchased at:
Scout Store
203 Swanson Dr.
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Visit the BSA Bear Cub Scout Website below
PDF version of Bear Cub Scout Handbook
PDF version of Bear Den Leader Book

Starting the path to the Wolf Cub Rank, a scout first earns the Bobcat badge - this is the first step for all Cub Scouts.
Bobcat Requirements
1. Learn and say the Scout Oath, with help if needed.
2. Learn and say the Scout Law, with help if needed.
3. Show the Cub Scout sign. Tell what it means.
4. Show the Cub Scout handshake. Tell what it means.
5. Say the Cub Scout motto. Tell what it means.
6. Show the Cub Scout salute. Tell what it means.
7. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide
1. Complete each of the following Bear required adventures with your den or family:
a. Bear Claws
b. Bear Necessities
c. Fellowship and Duty to God
d. Fur, Feathers, and Ferns
e. Grin and Bear It
f. Paws for Action
2. Complete one Bear elective adventure of your den or family's choosing.
3. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet: How to Protect Your Child from Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide
2. A World of Sound
3. Baloo the Builder
4. Bear Picnic Basket
5. Beat of the Drum
6. Critter Care
7. Forensics
8. Make It Move
9. Marble Madness
10. Roaring Laughter
11. Robotics
12. Salmon Run
13. Super Science