
Are for girls who may not wish to participate in a troop but would like to be involved in some aspects of Scouting. Perhaps the opportunity to camp is something a girl may only get through the Girl Scout experience. For more information contact:
Nicole Cucuzza 216-622-5351 or nicolecucuzza@hotmail.com
Making sure everyone can participate in Girl Scouting the way they want to!Girls can choose any one, some, or all six pathways. The flexibility of the pathways framework will allow adults to participate in Girl Scouting based on their lifestyle and availability. Adults may prefer to partner directly with girls throughout a school year, or commit to an opportunity for only a few weeks or months. GirlsThrough pathways, girls will still benefit from the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) but will have the flexibility needed to participate for both the short- and long-term. The pathways of your choice are as follows: -
Camp: Day or resident -
Events: Different girls, each event -
Special Interest: Same girls, all sessions relating to a specific theme or purpose -
Troop: Same girls, all sessions; typically spans the length of a school year -
Travel: Regional, national and international trips -
Virtual: High-quality, interactive program; safe, secure, online environment AdultsAdult volunteers benefit from pathways as well. Volunteers can: