Scouting is unlike anything your son has ever experienced before.
Unlike school, organized sports, or perhaps even in the home setting, in a Boy Scout troop the youth are the ones who are in charge. THEIR desires become our agenda. THEIR ideas for adventure, fun, and excitement are what the adults guide them to bring into reality. In Scouting, THEY speak and the adults listen.
By practicing representative democracy, they pick their own leaders who form the "Patrol Leader Council" that creates the yearly agenda. Scouts work together on every issue, from what to eat at camp, deciding who will wash dishes and shop for food, they learn and PUT INTO PRACTICE communication, public speaking, teamwork, conflict resolution, and leadership.
By taking advantage of any of the 130 possible merit badges, they gain exposure to areas of interest ranging from Rifle Shooting to Chemistry, from Small Boat Sailing to Aviation, and from Reading to Nuclear Science. Statistically, the Merit Badge program often leads to life-long hobbies and even career choices. At a minimum, Merit Badges help a young man try things he may never have had a chance to do if not for the Scouting experience, such as rifle shooting, archery, sailing, or camping.
While boys are busy "being Scouts" and having fun, they start to embody the virtues of Scouting defined in the Scout Oath and Law.
What is Scouting? It's "fun with a purpose".
The Boy Scout Of America Program is a 103 year old, professionally crafted, program of education and character development. By using the "Outdoor Method" (camping, fishing, rock climbing, etc) boys work together to "do the things boys like to do". In the process, they learn the value of teamwork, honesty, communication, mutual respect, and more as they work towards their goal and overcome any obstacles they encounter.
By employing the METHODS of Scouting, we reinforce the AIMS of Scouting, which are reflected in our Oath and Law. The goal is to see that they become permanent fixtures in the character of each Boy Scout as we teach them to be Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrift, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Most boys get to do things and go places they would have never had the opportunity to do if not for being involved in Scouting.
Ever spend 2 days hiking the Trail and a two days Canoeing on the Meramec River?
Ever rappel down a 40' climbing tower?
Ever spend 5 days canoeing down the Current River?
Ever try shooting rifles, shot guns, and bow & arrows?
Ever try biking 50+ miles at a time along the Katy Trail?
Ever try fishing? How about fly-fishing?
Ever cook over an open fire?
Ever spend the night in a tent? How about an "emergency shelter" you created in the woods?
Ever see the stars from parts of Missouri where there's no "light pollution"?... a sky so clear you can see the Milky Way?
Ever go SCUBA diving, Snorkeling?
And have you ever flown an airplane?
A Boy Scout troop leads itself. Adults are present to guide and ensure safety & compliance exists, but it is the YOUTH who make key decisions. The primary role of the Scoutmaster is to teach the Senior Patrol Leader how to run/lead his troop.
The Scouting program using The Patrol Method means the Troop members ELECT their own leaders; individual Patrol Leaders and a Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) who takes on "ownership" and hold the actual leadership position within the Troop. The SPL appoints an assistant scout (Assistant Senior Patrol Leader - ASPL) and various other leadership positions, all of whom serve at the Scoutmaster's discretion.
While serving as Senior Leaders, the SPL and ASPL cease to be members of their respective patrols and function as peers with the adult leadership. The SPL and ASP execute Program decisions, lead the meetings, plan agendas, pick camping destinations, and LEAD BY EXAMPLE when executing the agenda that the boys themselves created and agreed to follow.
Patrol Leaders are responsible for the well being and actions of their individual patrol and will REPRESENT their patrol in the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC).
At the PLC meeting (chaired by the SPL and monitored by the Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster), Patrol Leaders plan future trips and troop meetings. Through a model of Representative Government, they CHOOSE the trips and activities THEY want to do, and appoint other scouts to serve as skill instructors, or lead games or other activities. Adult leadership keeps them on track with suggestions and advice, but the decisions are ultimately left to THE BOYS.
Once the future meetings/camping trips are planned, the SPL and Scoutmaster present the PLC's plans to the Troop Committee for review. The agenda is checked for issues such as necessary fund raising, unique equipment/skills, camp ground reservations, and is given an over-all inspection to confirm that trips are aligned with the purpose of the Scouting Program. If the plans are approved, the SPL goes forward with leading the weekly meetings or delegating others who will lead all/part of the meeting. The model is "boys leading boys" unless the skill instruction needed is currently beyond the skill set of the Scouts or relates to merit badge requirements, then adults will render assistance.
ADULTS are a RESOURCE for guidance and ensuring that things are done the "BSA way" for safety, youth development and general direction setting.
"Boy Leadership" really means the Troop is doing the things the BOYS THEMSELVES want to do, and in doing so, will develop the leadership, communication, problem resolution, and organizational skills that underscore why Scouts excel in all other areas of their lives.

Boys are Scouts. Adults are Scouters.
As a Scouter, you can serve in 3 capacities in a local Scout unit. Other positions exist at the District level, but we're focused on the Troop on this FAQ.
Scoutmaster (SM) / Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM)- these Scouters work closest with the Scouts and ensure the program is running as it should. Their primary focus is to support the Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader by guiding them in leadership of the Troop while delivering the "Program".
Merit Badge Councilor (MBC) - a MBC works with Scouts on an individual basis to work on the specific badges (from 1 to 140) that the MBC is registered to teach. A MBC works with the Scouts "on demand" when he is contacted by the Scouts requesting time to complete badge work.
Committee Member - the role of the committee is to provide the Scoutmaster with the support needed to deliver the program that the Patrol Leader Council chooses as the "Program". The Committee provides the logistical support (funds/fund raisers, camping equipment, Treasury, camp site reservations, recording advancement, Boards of Review, registration/recharter, etc) needed to support the Troop. The Committee also has the responsibility to ensure that the Scoutmaster and the PLC are delivering a program that is aligned with the BSA Charter. If not, the Committee can recommend replacements. The Committee Chair would report to the Charter Organization which has the authority to hire/fire adult leaders.
The Committee is headed by a Committee Chairman who functions as the "great organizer" to make sure that sub-committees are on-task in their roles within the troop, such as ensuring a Treasurer delivers a Treasurer's report... Outdoor Chair is making campsite reservations.... Quartermaster is maintaining the camping equipment.... webmaster(s) are updating the website... etc. To avoid "power plays" the Committee Chair is more of an "organizer" than a "position of authority". Committee decisions are made via parliamentary procedure and voting. The Committee Chair does not get to cast a vote unless votes are tied. By design, the Scoutmaster and assistants are NOT members of the Committee, and therefore cannot vote on committee decisions.
There are a myriad of positions needed to staff a strong committee, so most adults in a troop are registered as Committee Members.
All are welcome to contribute as much as they would like as a uniformed leader, Committee Member, or a Merit Badge Councilor (MBC).
As a Committee Member, you should be willing to attend the monthly Committee Meeting (4th or 5th Mon of each month, 7PM) and get involved in as much/little upcoming activities as you wish.
As a Merit Badge Councilor, you choose to provide counseling from 1 to many of the available 130+ Merit Badges. YOU DO NOT need to be an "expert" to be a councilor, as the $4.59 handbooks will cover ALL that you need to know to learn/teach each particular badge.
As a Merit Badge Councilor, your time is ONLY used "upon request" when a Scout decides he would like to work on a particular badge for which you've agreed to be a councilor. Merit Badges are earned OUTSIDE of the weekly meeting, so Scouts meet with you ON YOUR SCHEDULE of availability.
NOTE.. all leaders MUST complete a BSA Adult Application, which requires you to provide your Social Security Number. A background check will be done by the Greater St. Louis Area Council. WE (Troop) will NOT know of the particular details of anyone's record, but will simply be told "yes/no" regarding your eligibility. If you do not provide your SSN, you will not be accepted as a leader. This is National BSA policy, not an ad hoc policy of Troop 585.

Becoming an Eagle Scout is no small achievement. In fact, among adults who have gone on to become astronauts, doctors, politicians, or business leaders, most of them will say that earning their Eagle is clearly among the most important achievements in their lives.
Back to the question... WHY?
Look at it from this angle.... ADVANCEMENT is completely up to the individual Scout. If he has no desire or sense of commitment to advance in rank, that is his choice. IT IS POSSIBLE for a boy to attend EVERY meeting and EVERY camping trip, and never make it through 1/2 of the available ranks if he isn't motivated enough to take the extra step of demonstrating skills or earning merit badges. Statistically speaking, only 2 out of 100 boys in Scouting will push themselves to become Eagle Scouts.
The "Trail to Eagle" is one of persistence, dedication, well-rounded learning experiences by earning 21+ merit badges, strong attendance at meetings and camping trips, and hundreds of hours of community service.... all culminating with the planning and complete execution of his "Eagle Project" before his 18th birthday.
The "Eagle Project" is SO MUCH MORE than "giving something back to the community" (which it is, and let's not minimize the importance of community and charity). It is actually his "final exam" in Scouting.
HE manages his Eagle Project. He will put to use all of the lessons he learned as a Boy Scout; communicating, organizing, recruiting, conceiving an idea, selling the idea, planning the work, assigning work details to those helping him, being the "accountant" that tracks the hours worked and the money spent, etc. In every conceivable way, HE is the "project leader".
THESE are the highly desirable skills and traits that makes "Eagle Scout" stand out on a job resume or college application, and the fact that such skills and moral foundations are learned/mastered before "society" recognizes him as an "adult"... simply amazing!

The term "Eagle Factory" is as popular in the Scouting community as the unofficial phrase, "Class B uniform". Sadly, "Eagle Farms" are a recognized problem throughout the BSA and it deals with the fundamental question of, "What does it REALLY mean to be an Eagle?"
A Google search on the term will result in a WHOPPING 2,580,000 results (trust me, I just did it). One of the best summaries of the "problem" was answered by a guy who goes by the name "Bob White" (also a "critter" in the BSA's Woodbadge Training program): "Eagle factory is a term used to describe troops who put the achievement of rank over the personal character growth of the individual scout. "
Bob White gets it... this is a CHARACTER program, first and foremost. While many advertise the statistic that "Only 2 out of 100 boys make it to Eagle", the truth of the matter isn't really HOW MANY boys in a troop make it to Eagle, but HOW did they get there?!? If you read through this site, you know we are dedicated to having scouts EARN their Eagle (and ANY other advancement or badge), so this FAQ is meant to be a bit of fun. If it happens to sound like a Troop you know... well... what can we say?
Let's play, "You might be an Eagle Factory if..."
If your troop meeting is based on merit badge classes, you might be an Eagle factory.
If your Scoutmaster, not the PLC, plans the yearly or weekly agenda, you might be an Eagle factory.
If the majority of merit badge sashes in the troop look the same, you might be an Eagle factory.
If scouts are told which merit badge they "must" learn next, you might be an Eagle factory.
If everyone moves to the next rank at the same time, you might be an Eagle factory.
If you define the success of your program by the number of Eagle Scouts you produce, you might be an Eagle factory.
If you think advancement is the most important part of Scouting, you might be an Eagle factory.
If you give blue cards to scouts before they ask for them, you might be an Eagle factory.
If you tell scouts how many, or which, merit badges they must earn at summer camp, you might be an Eagle factory.
If your troop meetings look like "merit badge school", you might be an Eagle factory.
If your leaders sign off on requirements you didn't really do you might be an Eagle factory.

An "Eagle Project" is project that is ORGANIZED and MANAGED by a Life Scout who is working towards the Eagle rank. There are guidelines for Eagle Projects that will be described below, but in its most simple definition, it is a community service project where the Eagle Candidate shows of his LEADERSHIP ABILITY. It is not for the candidate to "do" the work, but to provide the organization and leadership so the work can get done.
Does an Eagle Project need a certain number of "minimum hours"?
No. There is no set minimum for a project, although most average more than 100 hours of combined service. However, the length of work must be long enough that there is AMPLE OPPORTUNITY for a scout to show/demonstrate actual "leadership".
Does an Eagle Project have to be unique?
Yes & No. An Eagle Project does NOT need to be "unique", but it should be unique FOR HIM. A scout who simply repeats a project he worked on with another scout is NOT "leading".... he's "repeating" some one else. Remember, PLANNING and THOUGHT are big parts of the project/process.
Does an Eagle Project require "building" something?
No. An Eagle Project can be a SERVICE, but it cannot be "routine service"... such as raking leaves at his church, spreading mulch, or cutting the lawn. An example of a non-routine service may be the planning/organizing/executing of a clothing drive or canned food drive. By PERSONAL PREFERENCE, many scouts like "building" something that they can come back to years later and say "That was my Eagle project!".
Does an Eagle Project require all the Scouts of the troop to work on it?
No. There must be some involvement of the Troop (leaders) so that those who will be sitting on a candidate's Board of Review can say they saw leadership qualities demonstrated, but that does not mean all the labor has to come from Scouts. If the Candidate wants to call upon friends, family, or contract labor, that's up to him as the "foreman" to hire the right people to get the job done. However, it is "healthy" for all the scouts when workers include the troop members as it gives all the Scouts a feeling of participation and the motivation for their own Eagle endeavors.
Does an Eagle Project have to cost a certain amount of money?
No. If money is needed, it is up to the Candidate to raise it through donations, fund raiser, or it can be self-funded. The stipulation is that there can be NO donated money left over. Any leftover money must be returned to those who donated it.
Does an Eagle Project have to benefit Scouting?
It CAN'T. Once again, the BSA shows its value to the surrounding community. Eagle Projects are done for organizations OUTSIDE of The Boy Scouts of America.
Can an Eagle Project be done on Government property?
Yes. Please note that the nature of "government" is slow and full of many "approval processes". Doing any work on government land or for government agencies will require permits, approvals, board meetings, etc....that can take quite some time. Scouts should ask these questions in the early stages of his project. Government land projects are NOT a good idea for a boy who is facing the "timeout" of his 18th birthday as government delays may cause him to MISS his Eagle opportunity.
Can an Eagle Project be done after his 18th birthday?
No. There is a 60 day time gap after a boy's 18th birthday to file his application for Eagle and have his Board of Review, but ALL WORK (Project, Leadership, Merit Badges, Rank) has to be done prior to his 18th birthday unless he has ALREADY been granted a waiver for medical/developmental purposes.
He's a really good kid, an A student, involved in sports, etc... Is there ANY way to get an extension on time?
No. All work for the Eagle Rank must be completed before a boy's 18th birthday. There are no exceptions unless his has been previously classified as a "Special Needs" scout.
Do adults help in the Eagle Project?
Absolutely! Just because it's "his" project doesn't mean he's expected to magically have the knowledge of a structural engineer, electrician, or master carpenter. An Eagle Candidate may reach out and solicit assistance from the RIGHT RESOURCES in order to plan/execute his Project. Remember, his job is not to be the guy swinging the hammer or drawing the plans... but HIRING the right people and making sure work is done according to his plan.
Is there a special way for Eagle Projects to be done?
Yes. Please reference the BSA Eagle Project Workbook for a step-by-step guide (and approvals!) needed to complete an Eagle Project.
WHAT IF a Scout didn't do exactly what he was supposed to? Maybe he allowed his dad to take over the Project, or he never invited the adult leaders to see him "in action"... you wouldn't "punish" the Scout by denying him Eagle, would you?
Yes, and so would District, and so would Council, and so would National... but we would not view it as a "punishment", but simply a situation where a Scout didn't do the REQUIRED work. If there was a mistake or some type of misunderstanding, that's something to be addressed on a case-by-case basis, but if a scout makes the conscious decision to not complete all of the requirements, then the troop leaders are left with no choice but to not award ANY rank advancements, including Eagle.
A significant part of the Scouting experience is to get plenty of HANDS ON activity. From knot tying, to cooking on a fire and stove, to learning how to use a pocket knife or axe... Scouts "DO".
In order to make sure everyone gets a chance to DO, boys are divided into smaller groups within the Troop so that everyone gets ample opportunity to participate. This is part of what the BSA calls, "The Patrol Method".
Within a patrol-sized group, boys do not get "lost among the crowd" or feel as though their opinions (and votes) don't matter. Each plays a critical and important role in the Patrol's success.
The definition of the "Patrol Method" from the National Council's website...
Patrols are the building blocks of a Boy Scout troop. A patrol is a small group of boys who are similar in age, development, and interests. Working together as a team, patrol members share the responsibility for the patrol's success. They gain confidence by serving in positions of patrol leadership. All patrol members enjoy the friendship, sense of belonging, and achievements of the patrol and of each of its members.
Many troops mix boys of different ages in their patrols.
Usually, the justification is "so older boys can teach the younger boys". If that model is working for them, great, but that RARELY works and puts them in the very small minority. Even in the Cub Scouting Program, the BSA recognizes the developmental differences in boys of different ages and clarifies the NEED to keep young boys separate from older boys. That model continues in Boy Scouting and Venture Scouting.
Most units who use a "mixed age" model experience a lot of bullying and/or intimidation; usually manifesting itself in low-key intimidation; older boys making all the decisions and younger kids quietly following along or being "out voted" or "shouted down" on the decisions. By sheer size/age difference, younger/newer boys end up being intimidated and just "go with the flow", not really getting benefit of the "self-guided" model the BSA has laid out.
However, the overt mission of this Troop's leadership is to run this unit "by the book". The "book" we refer to is the National BSA Program, and it clearly states that "Patrols are made of boys of SIMILAR AGE, ABILITY, and INTERESTS."
It is also HIGHLY DESIRED that Patrols be "permanent groups" so that they can become close friends and EVOLVE (through trials and tribulations) into well functioning units (mastering the skills of communication, teamwork, respect, problem resolution, etc). Sometimes we have to do a "reshuffle" based on development or changing attendance, but these changes are only done WHEN NEEDED.
To further justify separating Scouts by ages, keep in mind that Patrols are strongly encouraged to do "patrol activities" (activities away from the rest of the Troop). This is literally impossible to do when a group of 16/17 year old Scouts want to go on a canoe trip or rock climbing and other members in their patrol are FORCED to be left behind because they are 11-13 years old and not skilled, mature, or strong enough to join in on the activity. Some activities also have age restrictions from the BSA, showing again, why a "mixed age" model goes against the Methods of Scouting.
And the model of age separation continues in Venturing...
The Venturing model (once again) REINFORCES the BSA's "group by age and ability" concept by grouping the older boys who seek (and are physically able) to do High Adventure Scouting from those incapable physically or intellectually.
There are MANY NUANCES interwoven into this 100 year old program, and none of them exist by accident. When Troops try to "modify" their Program and change/eliminate/ignore certain aspects of how a unit is supposed to operate, they [knowingly or not] deprive their Scouts of the FULL EXPERIENCE designed into being a Boy Scout.
Camping trips usually follow the following format.
Scouts arrive at BCGF in full Field Uniform on a Friday evening, typically at 6 PM so we can depart by 6:30 PM. Once all gear is packed and a final check for permission slips and medications is complete, we depart for our camping destination. Upon arrival, the first order of business is to choose camp sites and set up tents. Once all tents are up, kitchen/cook areas are set up and then all personal gear is stowed. Time permitting, the boys will have "Cracker Barrel" (snack) and the remainder of the night until 11 PM is "free time" for Scouts to unwind and burn off some energy.
Saturday mornings begin with the designated cooks waking up 1/2 hour before reveille and starting to prepare breakfast. At reveille, the rest of the camp will rise. Patrols are encouraged to eat together. Each patrol will have their own dining area, or in the case of a shared pavilion, designated tables. Once KP is complete, there is a flag ceremony and then the Program portion of the day begins with a break for lunch around noon. Program (Scout-skill related activity, and/or the purpose of the camping trip) continues until 5 PM. After dinner, the flag is lowered ceremoniously and there is free time until the Council Fire (at dark). At the Council Fire, boys often perform skits, tell jokes, and enjoy Cracker Barrel.
We generally sleep a little longer on Sunday. Again, cooks are called to prepare breakfast 1/2 hour before their patrols. Cold breakfasts are encouraged, due to the faster KP time. After KP, all scouts are to gather personal gear and then start packing kitchen/dining areas. The tents are the last to be packed, as it is usually necessary to wait until the tents and ground cloths have dried completely before stowing them. A tent put away wet will grow mildew and be ruined in a VERY short time. While waiting for tents to dry, the Troop is lead in a "Scouts' Own" prayer service by the Chaplain's Aid; a boy appointed by the SPL to lead religious events. Once all gear can be packed, camp is struck and we depart for home targeting a return to BCGF by 11 AM.

During the monthly Patrol Leader Council (PLC) meetings, each patrol leader participates in the discussion to plan upcoming camping trips and/or destinations. His choices should be a reflection of the suggestions, ideas, and desires of his fellow patrol members whom he was elected to represent. With the Scoutmaster's guidance, the PLC will debate among themselves which activity(s) are to be part of the Troop's upcoming agenda.
Planning Guidelines for the PLC should follow the basic guideline:
3. Complete this phrase, "I joined Scouting so I could __________" (fill in the blank)
4. Gear each camping trip to relate to 1 or more Merit Badges and/or rank advancement needs
5. Once the monthly destination is planned, start planning the weekly meetings that prepare for each camping trip.
NOTE: It is not required that the entire troop do the SAME activity at camp! We fully support the concept of "parallel program" where different groups of Scouts may be engaged in different activities. Examples would be a "bike hike" where the boys who don't know or don't prefer to bicycle can opt for hiking or another activity that can be done at the same camp facilities.
The PLC is asked to plan no more than six months in advance. While a longer time horizon would help in planning trips and reserving camp sites, we feel it is important that newly-elected patrol leaders actually get to "lead" on 1 or more trips that they planned entirely. Patrol Leaders serve for terms of 6 months; hence the set time horizon.
Once the monthly destinations/activities are chosen, the PLC then plans the 3 to 4 weekly troop meeting that lead up to each trip, incorporating in each the skill training necessary to make the trip successful. Planning should be very detailed including who will be the skill instructors and how much time of each meeting will be for each part of the nightly agenda. Troop meetings are for "learning", the camping trip is for "doing".
This format ensures that EVERY Scout has exposure and OPPORTUNITY to work on Merit Badge requirements. However, the monthly agenda may not be sufficient for Scouts to complete the entire MB requirements and the responsibility is shifted to THEM to engage the Scoutmaster for a blue card and be connected with a Merit Badge Councilor so they can get credit for the work they've done and find out what they need to do to complete the badge on their own.

The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the Honor Society of Scouting.
As Scouting’s National Honor Society, our purpose is to:
- Recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and through that recognition cause others to conduct themselves in a way that warrants similar recognition.
- Promote camping, responsible outdoor adventure, and environmental stewardship as essential components of every Scout’s experience, in the unit, year-round, and in summer camp.
- Develop leaders with the willingness, character, spirit and ability to advance the activities of their units, our Brotherhood, Scouting, and ultimately our nation.
- Crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others.
The Order of the Arrow membership requirements are:
- Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America.
- After registration with a troop or team, have experienced 15 days and nights of Boy Scout camping during the two-year period prior to the election. The 15 days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps.
- Youth must be under the age of 21, hold the BSA First Class rank or higher, and following approval by the Scoutmaster or Varsity team Coach, be elected by the youth members of their troop or team.
- Adults (age 21 or older) who are registered in the BSA and meet the camping requirements may be selected following nomination to the lodge adult selection committee. Adult selection is based on their ability to perform the necessary functions to help the Order fulfill its purpose, and is not for recognition of service, including current or prior positions. Selected adults must be an asset to the Order because of demonstrated abilities, and must provide a positive example for the growth and development of the youth members of the lodge.
The Troop charges an annual "activity fee" that amounts to a little over $2 per week. First time members pay an additional $25 fee for the initial sign-up fees imposed by National, a copy of the Scout Handbook, and customized Troop hat and neckerchief.
There is a modest "food fee" for each monthly camping trip, and a 1x per year fee if your son attends week-long Summer Camp (highly encouraged!).
Fund Raisers are held as needed to fund new equipment, more elaborate camping destinations, or to allow boys to fund their OWN "scout account".
The Activity Fee - helps to pay for annual registration with the National Council, Boys Life Magazine subscription, liability insurance, numerous awards, badges, pins, camp ground fees, and more. Our fee is usually NOT enough for all the expenses we incur (see fund raising below).
Monthly "camp fee" (food fee) - . Each patrol creates their own menu for the monthly camping trip and can decide to raise or lower this fee to be aligned with their menu choices. TYPICALLY, this is $15-$20 each month. In winter months, or for destinations that are far away, the monthly fee may include extra fees to cover camp ground expenses and help to reimburse gasoline for those transporting Scouts/gear.
Summer Camp Fee - Week-long Summer Camp is a GREAT experience, and we encourage Scouts to attend every year. The average fee is $330. Please start saving for this NOW so that Camp is not a "financial burden" when payment is due (usually by May 1 of each year).
Fund Raising - held as needed to supplement the cost of running the Troop. Covers new/replacement equipment (tents, stoves, cook gear, propane tanks, etc), or to cover the cost of more elaborate camping destinations. A portion of fund raising is usually designated for Scout Accounts to inspire strong participation.
Scout Accounts - The Troop allocates a portion of fund raising to each participating boy's own "Scout Account". This encourages boys to actively participate in fund raising efforts. The harder a Scout works, the more he will earn for himself. Funds are held in escrow by the Troop Treasurer, and can be used to reimburse Scouts for ANY Scouting-related expense.
We certainly won't send the "Scout Police" out to find you if you don't show up, but you miss out on a big part of the BSA Program if you don't attend regularly.
Scouting is NOT just playtime, or "Billy's weekend fun" away from his kid sister. Scouting is a carefully crafted character-development program where no aspect of this program exists by accident.
Each boy is a member of a PATROL, and as such, is part of a smaller group (as compared to the whole Troop of boys) so that he is given AMPLE opportunity to play an active and valuable "hands on" role in the patrol's success.
A Scout who shows up only for the "fun trips" or shows up sporadically to the weekly meetings DEPRIVES himself of the chance to make key decisions within his patrol; choose trip ideas and destinations, make menu selections, divvy out workloads, and build close friendships. Every meeting includes a period of valuable skill instruction and fun inter-patrol competitions that relate to the upcoming camping trip. If a boys misses a meeting, he will find himself less prepared for the upcoming weekend in the outdoors. The troop meetings are where we "learn", but the camping trip is where we reinforce the skills by putting them into practical use.
Scouts should make every effort to attend meetings on a regular basis. Those who don't are missing out on the full experience of their limited Scouting years, and are causing their fellow patrol members to do the same. Patrols with members who do not attend regularly DO perform less efficiently than other patrols where their members attend each week. The differences are noticeable and sometimes astounding when it comes to teamwork, food preparation, advancement, etc.
Scouts who hold LEADERSHIP POSITIONS are expected to show up at every meeting and camping trips as the leadership positions are "working" positions. Scouts need to provide leadership service to their patrols and the troop as a whole in order to be credited for their time in leadership positions (often needed for rank advancement).

Summer camp is a week long experience in "Scout life", and a LOT of fun! It's held at Council-run scout camps like Famous Eagle, Gamble, Sakima, Swift Base or other BSA-owned properties. It is staffed with some adult leaders, but the program areas (merit badge classes, and other skill areas) are run by other (older & experienced) Boy Scouts who spend the entire summer living at camp as councilors.
Troops from all over come to camp, and each troop stays in their own camp site. We sleep and eat together, but beyond than that we are joining other scouts in merit badge classes, 1st Year program, or COPE or High Adventure. You can think of Summer Camp as a week at "Scout College" where boys sign up for the classes that interest them, allowing the camping experience to be a personally satisfying experience.
Summer camp has up to 4 basic programs, "1st year", "Open Program", "COPE" (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience), and High Adventure.
The "1st Year Program" is a dedicated program for boys who are typically new to Boy Scouts. The agenda is focused on the outdoor and basic skills that relate to the first 3 ranks of Scouting. Although they are focused on basic Scout skills, 1st Year Program attendees usually get the chance to earn 1 or 2 merit badges, get swim lessons or play in the pool during free swim, and after dinner, try out ALL of the program areas around camp during "open time", or join in with camp-wide games organized by the Camp.
"Open Program" is like going to college for a week. Scouts typically choose to attend classes for up to 5 merit badges. It's a great way to get a LOT of advancement towards Eagle! After dinner, the program areas throughout camp are opened to everyone so boys can sample every part of camp, even if they aren't working on specific merit badges. There's also plenty of time for "free swim" in the pool, or time to join in with camp-wide games organized by the Camp councilors.
"COPE" Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience - What a great way for older boys (13 and up) to challenge themselves physically as they engage in team building, trust building, and physically challenging activities and obstacles like the climbing wall, zip lines, overhead wire course, or the rappelling wall. While generally open to boys as young as 13 years of age, the course does require a moderate amount of upper-body strength. 13 year old attendees usually require the approval of the Scoutmaster, as the "ideal" age for COPE is 14 and above. If you're ready to challenge yourself and have a really great experience in personal growth and confidence, COPE is for you!
A "High Adventure" program may or may not be offered at every BSA camp. Like COPE, high adventure programs are designed for the "experienced" Scouts (13/14 years or older) who feel like they've "done everything" offered by camp and are ready for something "new". Some high adventure programs include SCUBA, canoe trips, or other exciting excursions that take you away from the rest of the campers. Check out the website for the summer camp we are attending in the coming year to see if there is a High Adventure program.
At summer camp, Scouts will be boarded in 8'x8' "wall tents" (large canvass tents with 2 cots, usually on pallets to keep them off of the ground). Per BSA regulations, "long term camping" requires a set amount of "living space" per scout; hence the use of the BSA camp-supplied wall tents. Despite their open exposure to the elements, the tents do a great job keeping out the elements and protecting camping gear from getting wet.
During the day, all Scouts from Troop 585 will wear matching Class B tee shirts. It helps us look "uniform" and ensures the boys are in clean clothes (at least at the start of each day!) All meals are served in the Camp Dining Hall. Note that ALL camp attendees (adult and youth) MUST be in full Field (Class A) uniform for admittance into the dining hall for dinner. After dinner, class B or plain clothes are allowed again.
During the day, scouts spend the day in "Program" areas learning the scout skills they selected before coming to camp. However, there is plenty of "free time" for Scouts to relax, sample other program areas around camp, visit the shooting ranges, fishing ponds, or swimming pool. There are often "camp-wide games" at each camp to make sure Scouts have plenty of FUN and entertaining activities for their entire time at camp. There are usually opening and closing Council Fires and other ceremonies throughout the week, including OA "tap outs" and early morning "Polar Bear Plunges" for a brisk early morning dips in the pool!
There is much we do to prepare for summer camp; fund raising, health forms, acclimation, Program selection & prerequisite work, and Swimming.
Fund Raising - Each year we conduct a Mulch Sale fund raiser. While it is a lot of work, it is highly profitable and Scouts have the earning potential to fund their entire year of Scouting if they have strong participation in sales and delivery. Summer Camp usually costs $340 each year, so scouting families should plan accordingly so that the annual camp fee is not a "surprise" or unattainable expense.
Health Forms - Every year, we are required by the BSA to bring current/valid health forms for EVERY ATTENDEE (adult and youth) to camp. EVERYONE must submit the BSA health forms in order to remain on BSA property. It is best if the BSA health form is completed by the family doctor at the time of the annual "school physicals". If a current form is not already on file, then families should engage their doctors to ensure the forms are complete and in the hands of the person coordinating troop registration ON TIME for a smooth registration. PLEASE do not expect "special exceptions" when you are not handing paperwork in or time. Registering/Administrating camp attendance is a huge undertaking, and we need/expect your full cooperation to help facilitate a smooth registration experience.
Acclimation - Every year (typically in April) the Troop conducts a weekend camping trip SPECIFICALLY for the benefit of our newest scouts (those bridging in from WEBELOS). The goal is to get younger Scouts used to attending over-night camp without their parents. This will give them (and moms!) a taste for being away from home, especially since Summer Camp is 6 nights from home. New parents generally like to "tag along" with their "former cub scouts" on the first couple of camping trips, but this defeats the entire purpose of getting them used to being away from home. Try to be supportive of your sons camping without you.
Program Selection & Pre-req work - Scouts should choose as early as possible which program area is right for them at camp; 1st Year, Merit Badges, COPE, or High Adventure. 1st Year and Merit Badge participants should select their merit badges early so they can start getting familiar with any prerequisite work that needs to be done before coming to camp. Scouts should also take the time to purchase the respective Merit Badge Workbook from the Scout Shop and start reviewing the material (especially for Eagle-required badges). These actions will ensure that Scouts come home with all badge work COMPLETE and will have the badges awarded as soon as possible. Otherwise, Scouts will have to find other merit badge councilors to help them complete the tasks that were not completed at/before Summer Camp.
Swimming - Swimming is a big part of advancement and other activities in Scouting. Scouts usually pursue the "Swimming Merit Badge" at a BSA camp due to the number of requirements to earn the Swimming MB and a daily chance to keep cool in the pool. If your son wishes to attempt the Swimming merit badge, he must be a STRONG swimmer. Please note that the BSA measures swimming capability by the ability to swim multiple 25 yard laps (no stopping allowed) in a strong, steady, and proficient stroke. If this does not describe the swimming capabilities of your son, please do NOT sign him up for the Swimming merit badge, as he will NOT pass and will only feel defeated when he does not complete the badge and is surrounded by boys who are much more proficient in swimming ability. Whether pursuing the Swimming merit badge or not, everyone attending Summer Camp will have AMPLE time to cool off and enjoy the swimming pool during "open swim" and/or "instructional swim" times. Anyone needing basic swim lessons will have them provided at camp. LIFEGUARD training is also available.

We follow a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for bullying or unruly behavior. By any and all measure, Scouting is (and should be) considered a "safe zone" where boys can come and GROW in a positive and supportive environment.
Upon joining Scouts, boys are placed into a smaller unit called a Patrol - we currently have 6 patrols in our Troop. Per BSA guidelines, a patrol is "a group of boys (no more than 10) of similar age, interests, and abilities."
BY DESIGN, your son will be among boys "like him" for most of his Scouting events. However, he will BENEFIT from the guidance and leadership examples of the older/larger boys who serve as Senior Leaders, Troop Guides, and skill instructors. Even in mixed-patrol competitions, we have only observed caring and supportive interactions... and we DO watch (just in case).
Scouting is a PRIVATE organization. Should any boy's behavior become intolerable, it is well within our right to "un-invite" him from being a Scout in this Troop.
Scouting's founder, Lord Baden Powell realized long ago, that when people look the same (uniform), they not only show they are members of an organization, but being dressed the same ERASES all trace of "class" or "wealth" or "social status".
In Scouting, all are equal and treat each other with respect. In doing so, we learn to look past class, income, race, religion, nationality, and social status.
Despite the attacks from some of Scouting's detractors, there has never been a program so OPEN and SUPPORTIVE of diversity as Scouting.
Considering this was taken into account in 1907, Lord Baden Powell was clearly a man ahead of his time.

Officially, the BSA has ONE uniform, and any historical version of it is acceptable (once official, always official). It is found in the front pages of every Scout Handbook.
The official BSA uniform is comprised of:
a troop-issued hat *
a troop neckerchief *
BSA tan shirt (with patches placed in the proper spots)
a Merit Badge Sash **
BSA olive pants
BSA web belt w/ buckle
BSA socks
(Note that blue jeans are not listed here!)
This is THE official uniform, but in many pieces of BSA literature it may be referred to as the FIELD uniform, or commonly, the "Class A" (a military term the BSA prefers NOT to use as the BSA does not wish to be perceived as a paramilitary organization).
* Technically, hats and neckerchiefs (and how they are worn) are optional in the BSA Uniform Guide, but if the wearing of either is adopted by a troop, they are then considered official components of the uniform. We wear both. The hat is the "baseball cap" variety imprinted with our troop number, and the neckerchief bearing our logo is to be worn UNDER the collar with the top button of the shirt unbuttoned.
** The Merit Badge Sash, worn over the right shoulder, is impractical for most Scouting-related activities. It is therefore only worn at ceremonial events or select meetings such as a Court of Honor.
It is not always practical to wear the Field Uniform shirt every minute a Scout is involved in a scouting-related activity. The BSA offers a variety of polo-type shirts and tee shirts imprinted with BSA logos, and many troops (ours included) often opt to have custom printed shirts made.
It is customary practice that when a troop (as a whole) agrees on a standard shirt, they will opt to wear it INSTEAD of the BSA olive shirt, and in many items of BSA literature, this will be referred to as an ACTIVITY uniform, or sticking with military nomenclature, " Class B".
Historically, the BSA offers major redesigns to the uniform about every 20 years. This past year, the BSA announced the "Centennial Uniform" with "switchback" pants and some color changes to troop number decals and shoulder loops. This is the 5th major redesign in the BSA's 100 year history.

Per the 12th point of the Scout Law, "a Scout is Reverent".
Scouting's founder, Lord Baden Powell, believed that it was crucial to the development of the "whole person" that we have a belief in, and love for, God and that we should live by and embody His laws and teachings.
Scouting does not promote any 1 denomination above another and works with organized religions to offer awards (officially known as the Religious Emblem Program) to any boys choosing to farther explore their religious faith, whatever that faith may be. Scouting proves it is SUPPORTIVE of diversity and religious differences.
As a Private organization, it is the right of the BSA to set a code or ethics and morals for its members to follow. Having a belief in God, is one of those criteria. Those professing NO belief in God may find they would be better served in a different youth program than the BSA.
As we believe that "being reverent" is such a critical part of the Scouting program, we openly pray during meals, at meetings, and during non-denominational "Scouts' Own" services which are held while we are away at camp. The troop maintains a youth member in the leadership position of Chaplain's Aid who will lead us in prayer and various services.
Rank is an interesting word choice, clearly derived from Scouting's origin as a program modeled after a military structure.
Those holding a "higher rank" do not order around those of "lower rank". In Scouting, the term "rank" is a PERSONAL measure of his progress along the "Trail to Eagle"... or more appropriately thought of as his "trail to manhood".
When a boy joins Scouting, his first POSITION is one of "Scout".
He then works on the first 3 RANKS; Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, and 1st Class. Within the requirements of these ranks, a Scout learns the SAFETY aspects of Scouting; basic first aid, how to choose a safe camp spot, how to properly dress for an outing, how to find his way with map/compass, what to do if he gets lost, etc...
Now a demonstrated "safe" Scout... he is ready for his next period of personal development, which is LEADERSHIP. In the pursuit of Star, Life, and Eagle, a youth is learning (and then mastering) the skills of leadership. By holding leadership positions within the troop, he learns to lead, instruct, and inspire others. He learns to "give back" to others, and also learns his emerging place in Society as a citizen.
There are 130+ various Merit Badges available (only 21 needed for Eagle). To ensure that the Scouts are getting a taste of the opportunities available, the higher badges of rank require a set number of merit badges be completed (including some designated as "Eagle required").
Merit Badges offer exposure to a diverse background of interests, adventures, and opportunities that Scouts may never experience IF NOT for the Scouting program (Aviation, Scuba, Reptile study, shooting sports, etc). It is not uncommon that exposure to a topic via the Merit Badge Program leads to life-long hobbies and career choices, as well as "needed skills" like Home Repair, Auto Mechanics, and Public Speaking.
There is no limit on the number of Merit Badges a youth may earn.
The day a boy signs his BSA application, he is eligible to start working on Merit Badges.
Completing a Merit Badge involves 4 people... The Scout, the Scoutmaster, the Merit Badge Councilor (MBC), and the troop's Advancement Chair.
The process:
1. Scout chooses a badge (or badges) that he'd like to work on (alone or with another Scout).
2 He informs the Scoutmaster of his intention to work on a badge, and is issued a "blue card" and given the contact information for a registered Merit Badge Councilor (MBC). A MBC can be ANY registered MBC in any Council. He is not obligated to work with councilors in his home unit or Council. CONTRARY TO URBAN MYTH, the Scoutmaster can NOT deny any Scout the opportunity to work on any badge, nor can he delay the badge being awarded once the MBC signs the "blue card" showing that it is complete. Judgment as to whether a Scout successfully completed the badge requirements rests solely with the MBC.
3. The Scout(s) contacts the MBC and make arrangements to meet as often as necessary to complete the badge requirements (following Youth Protection guidelines at all times). Upon the first meeting, the Scout presents the MBC with the blue card, which the councilor keeps so that he can update completion dates and keep track of the Scout's progress.
4. Upon completion, the MBC will sign all 3 segments of the blue card, and return it back to the Scout who in turn, presents it to the Scoutmaster for final signature indicating final recognition that all work is complete. Again, the Scoutmaster does NOT have the authority to deny, "retest", or delay the formal completion of any MB work.
5. The Scoutmaster will pass the signed segments along to the troop's Advancement Chairperson who will record the work on the Troop and Council levels, and ensure the Scout is presented with his badge on the next possible opportunity. *
* While NOT mandatory that a badge be presented right away, the BSA strongly encourages "instant recognition" for effort. The typical model is to present the badge by the next meeting, and present the "pocket card" during a formal presentation at the next Court of Honor.
6. The Scout will be given 1 segment of his blue card which he must keep so that it can be produced when applying for his Eagle Rank. The Troop should also retain a segment for their records as will the MBC for his records.