
Advancements challenge a boy to work on skills that match his ability and interest level. A boy is not supposed to be perfect, but to do his best. Boys will be exposed and motivated to try out a lot of different activities.

For new scouts, the Bobcat Badge must be earned before going on to earn the badge appropriate for his age.

The Cub Scout adventure begins with Tigers - a program of exciting indoor and outdoor activities just right for a boy who is in first grade and/or is 7 years old. You are there with him as his support and guide, but you don't do things for him. He will learn by doing things himself. And as he learns and grows, your relationship with him will grow, too.
 After your Cub Scout has earned his Bobcat Badge, he can start along the Wolf trail. This is a big adventure for a boy, one the Boy Scouts of America hopes all boys will complete. When you have okayed the tracks your boy has filled in for all twelve achievements, he may become a Wolf Cub Scout. How quickly your boy progresses is up to him and you. He should do his best to complete each track; that's a part of the promise he made to become a Bobcat and it is the Cub Scout motto - Do Your Best. Don't okay a track if you both know that he can do a better job. Move on to something else, then go back and try again. The important thing is to keep him interested by working on the trail with him as often as possible.
 Any boy may earn Bear achievements and electives if he is in the third grade, or is nine years old. To earn the Bear badge, a boy must complete 12 of the 24 specified achievements listed on the link below.
The Webelos badge is the fourth rank in Cub Scouting. A Cub can start on it as soon as he joins a Webelos den, and providing he has completed third grade (or is 10 years old). He can earn the Webelos badge after he has been in the den for 3 months.

After a boy has completed the fourth grade and earned the Webelos badge, the next step on the Webelos trail to becoming a Boy Scout is earning the Arrow of Light Award. This is the highest award a Cub Scout can earn, and is the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on the Boy Scout Uniform. As a boy works on the Arrow of Light, he gets a chance to practice some Scout skills that he has already learned, earn more Activity Badges, and REALLY learn what a Boy Scout is. Because this award is so special, a special ceremony should always be performed by the Pack!
For all the new 2019 Rank Requirements, click here.