Originally chartered in November 2004, Boy Scout Troop 501 seeks to serve the youth in the area from the ages of 10-18. We have Scouts from Mariaville, Schoharie, Cobleskill, Esperance, Duanesburg, Carlise and other communities surrounding the George Landis Arboretum.
During the summer months, we are fortunate to be able to hold our meetings at the Meeting House at the Arboretum. During the normal school, our meetings are at the Duanesburg Elementary School.
Once a month, we try to participate, either on a local or on a district level, in an outdoor weekend. Day trips are also popular.
As encouraged by the Boy Scouts of America, BSA Troop 501 is a boy run troop. This means that the boys themselves decide what and when activities will take place. Adult leaders are there to serve in a support role and to be sure that all activities are healthy, safe and appropriate to Scouting.
For more information on our troop, please contact any of the members listed.

The Great Oak on the grounds of the Landis Arboretum
Curious about our Troop?
Please feel free to stop in during any of our meetings and check us out!
Where and when the meetings are held is listed on our home page.
Visitors are always welcome!!!
(That means you!)
To Contact Us:
Charles Whitman - Scoutmaster
Phone: 518-864-5972
E-mail: whitmancal@aol.com