Boy Scout Troop 884 was chartered in February 1969. The Troop was sponsored and hosted by the Prince William Electric Cooperative (aka NOVEC) until 1989 when the Troop outgrew the NOVEC site and moved to Trinity Episcopal Church in April of that year. In 2003, Troop 884 relocated to and became sponsored by the Robert Vincent McMaugh Memorial American LegionPost 10.The Troop proudly marches with the American Legion at the Manassas Christmas, St. Patrick's Day, and Veteran's Day parades, carrying the American Legion banner and the United States and Virginia Sate Flags. In addition, the Troop participates with the Legion at every opportunity to honor the American Soldier and the American Flag.
The Troop began in 1969 with eight scouts in seven families. Over the years, the troop has presented Scouting's highest award, Eagle Scout, to forty-five scouts. The Troop currently has 12 active scouts.
Over the years, Troop 884 has participated in numerous events. During its chartered year, a scout from the troop presented the Boy Scouts of America Annual Christmas Greeting to then President Richard M. Nixon. Since then, scouts have had the privilege of working at several presidential inaugurations.
The outdoor program continues to be an important part of our troop. Summer camps in VA, PA, MD, DE, and NC along with Philmont Treks, Sea Base Florida Scuba Adventure, and National, Canadian, and World Jamborees, not to mention the countless local camp outs and outings for lifetime memories.
In the tradition of scouting, Troop 884 participates in community service projects such as Scouting for Food, and the beautification and clean up for our honored soldiers at the American Legion Post.
The troop also participates in the Memorial Day and Veteran's Day programs and luncheons for the American Legion. The troop does these small acts of service to the post for allowing us to hold our meetings in their meeting room and at their pavilion.
Over the years many members have been elected to the Boy Scouts of America National Honor Society and Service Organization, Order of the Arrow, and many still serve as adult volunteers.
Through the past 50 years, badges, requirements, and programs have changed, but one thing remains the same: Scouting helps make today's boys leaders among their peers, and prepares them to become tomorrow's adult leaders.
October 2020 Court of Honor