How Do We Get Started on These Programs? - Youth members must obtain the specific booklet for their religion.
- Check with your council store or contact the religious organization directly (see the chart on this site).
- Each youth member needs his or her own booklet to document progress.
- Some religions offer adult manuals for counselors and mentors.
- Parents must review the program guidelines.
- Some programs require participants to be official "members" of the religious institution.
- Age/grade requirements vary from program to program.
- Each program sets its own guidelines as to who may serve as counselor. Some programs require clergy to serve as counselors; other programs allow parents or other family members to serve as counselors.
- Families should talk to their religious leaders and show them the booklet before beginning any program.
- Most programs require that they be completed under the auspices of that religious organization.
- Many programs require the signature of the local religious leader.
- The youth member needs to complete the requirements, obtain the proper signatures, and follow the instructions to order the emblem.
- These emblems are not available from your local council store (follow the instructions in your booklet).
- The emblem should be presented in a meaningful ceremony, preferably in the member's religious institution.
Chart of Religious Emblems This chart lists all Religious Emblems Programs available to members of the Boy Scouts of America. Images of the medals, where available, may be viewed by clicking the award's name.
African Methodist Episcopal ChurchLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; e-mail info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 No. 33610 No. 33605Adult Recognition God and Service Nomination
African Methodist Episcopal Zion ChurchLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; e-mail info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition God and Service Nomination
Armenian Apostolic Church of America (Western Prelacy)6252 Honolulu Ave., Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 91214 818-248-7737 Cub ScoutNoneWebelos ScoutNoneBoy Scout and Varsity ScoutSaint MesrobVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity ScoutSaint MesrobAdult RecognitionNone
Armenian Church of America (Eastern Diocese)Department of Youth and Education Diocese of the Armenian Church of America 630 Second Ave. New York, NY 10016 212-686-0710 Cub Scout Saint GregoryWebelos Scout Saint GregoryBoy Scout and Varsity Scout AraratVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout AraratAdult RecognitionNone
Baha'iBaha'i Committee on Scouting Baha'i National Center Education and Schools Office 1233 Central Street Evanston, IL 60201-1611 847-733-3492 To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout Unity of MankindWebelos Scout Unity of MankindBoy Scout and Varsity Scout Unity of MankindVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Unity of MankindAdult Recognition Service to Humanity
BaptistLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 8520 Mackenzie Road, Suite 3 St. Louis, MO 63123-3413 800-933-7729 e-mail: info@praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit: www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition Good Shepherd Nomination No. 77-0622
BuddhistNational Buddhist Committee on Scouting 415 42nd Ave. San Mateo, CA 94403 650-574-4527; fax: 408-756-3288 e-mail victor.iwamura@lmco.com  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout MettaWebelos Scout MettaBoy Scout and Varsity Scout SanghaVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout SanghaAdult Recognition Bodhi
Catholic, EasternLocal council service center, diocesan Scout office, or National Catholic Committee on Scouting 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane P.O. Box 152079 Irving, TX 75015-2079 972-580-2114 To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout Parvuli Dei S, No. 33085 First and second graders man earn. Light of Christ No. 33074Webelos Scout Parvuli Dei S, No. 33085Boy Scout and Varsity Scout Light Is Life S, No. 16-3011 C, No. 16-106Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Pope Pius XII S, No. 33076 C, No. 34733Adult Recognition Saint George Catholic Nomination No. 16-132
Catholic, RomanLocal council service center, diocesan Scout office, BSA Supply Division 800-323-0732; or National Catholic Committee on Scouting 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane P.O. Box 152079 Irving, TX 75015-2079 972-580-2114 To order pamphlets visit: www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout Parvuli Dei S, No. 33085 First and second graders man earn. Light of Christ No. 33074Webelos Scout Parvuli Dei S, No. 33085Boy Scout and Varsity Scout Ad Altare Dei S, No. 33094 C, No. 33072Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Pope Pius XII S, No. 33076A C, No. 34733AAdult Recognition Saint George Catholic Nomination No. 16-132
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Local council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; e-mail info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition God and Service Nomination
Christian Methodist Episcopal ChurchLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; e-mail info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub ScoutGod and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos ScoutGod and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity ScoutGod and Church S, No. 33599A; C, No. 33600A; M, No. 33596AVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity ScoutGod and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult RecognitionGod and Service Nomination
Church of Christ, Christian ScientistP.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; e-mail info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Country No. 3CSFBWebelos Scout God and Country No. 3CSFBBoy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Country No. 3CSCBVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Country No. 3CSCBAdult RecognitionGod and Service Nomination
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)LDS Relationships 15 West South Temple, Suite 1070 Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1579 801-530-0004 Cub ScoutFaith in GodWebelos ScoutFaith in GodBoy Scout and Varsity Scout On My HonorVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout On My HonorAdult Recognition On My Honor
Churches of ChristMembers of Churches of Christ for Scouting, ACU 401 Cypress, Suite 406 Abilene, TX 79601 325-674-3739 e-mail info@goodservant.org; Web site www.goodservant.org  Cub Scout Loving Servant Grades 1-3Webelos Scout Joyful Servant Grades 4-6Boy Scout and Varsity Scout Good ServantVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Good ServantAdult Recognition Faithful Servant Nomination
Community of ChristWorld Community Program Series 1001 West Walnut Independence, MO 64050 816-833-1000 or 800-825-2806, ext. 1374 Email mailto:mhoffman@cofchrist.org ; Web site http://www.cofchrist.org/onlineresources/worldcommunity/worldcommunity.asp  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub ScoutNoneWebelos Scout Light of the WorldBoy Scout and Varsity Scout Path of the DiscipleVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Exploring Community TogetherAdult Recognition International Youth Service Award Nomination
Eastern OrthodoxP.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; e-mail info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout Saint George No. 3EOMBWebelos Scout Chi Rho No. 3EOFBBoy Scout and Varsity Scout Alpha Omega No. 3EOCBVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Alpha Omega No. 3EOCBAdult Recognition Prophet Elias Nomination
EpiscopalLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; e-mail info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition Saint George Episcopal Nomination
General Church of the New Jerusalem (The New Church)Chairman, Boy Scout Relations Committee General Church of the New Jerusalem P.O. Box 277 Bryn Athyn, PA 19009 215-938-2542; fax 215-938-2617 Cub ScoutTen Commandments AwardWebelos ScoutTen Commandments AwardBoy Scout and Varsity Scout Open Word AwardVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Open Word AwardAdult Recognition Open Word Award
HinduNorth American Hindu Association 847 East Angela Street Pleasanton, CA 94566-7568 925-846-3811 (voice/fax) e-mail info@naha.us  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout DharmaWebelos Scout DharmaBoy Scout and Varsity Scout Dharma
 KarmaVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout DharmaAdult RecognitionSaathi/Bhakta
IslamicNational Islamic Committee on Scouting, Syed Ehtesham Haider Naqui 732-801-1283 Email islamicbsa@aol.com ; Web Site www.islamcscouting.org or http://www.islamiccouncilonscouting.org  To order pamphlets visit: www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout BismillahWebelos Scout BismillahBoy Scout and Varsity Scout In the Name of GodVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout In the Name of GodAdult Recognition Allaho Akber
JewishLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; Email info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org and www.jewishscouting.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout Aleph Tiger Cubs may earn MaccabeeWebelos Scout Aleph
Boy Scout and Varsity Scout Ner Tamid
Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Etz Chaim
Adult Recognition Shofar Nomination No.
LutheranLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; Email info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org and www.nlas.org 
Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606 Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition Lamb Nomination; Servant of Youth Nomination
Meher BabaCommittee for Meher Baba and Scouting 912 Ninth Ave. S North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 843-272-3498 Cub Scout Love for GodWebelos Scout Love for GodBoy Scout and Varsity Scout Compassionate FatherVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Compassionate FatherAdult RecognitionThe Ancient One
MoravianThe Moravian Church Drawer Y Winston-Salem, NC 27108 336-722-8126 Cub ScoutNoneWebelos ScoutNoneBoy Scout and Varsity Scout God and CountryVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and CountryAdult Recognition The Order of David Zeisberger
Polish National Catholic ChurchCub Scout Love of God (Milosc Boga)Webelos Scout Love of God (Milosc Boga)Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Country (Bog I Ojczyzna)Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Country (Bog I Ojczyzna)Adult Recognition Bishop Thaddeus F. Zielinski
Presbyterian Church in AmericaLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; Email info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition God and Service Nomination
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)Local council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; Email info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org and www.presbyterianscouters.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition God and Service Nomination; Celtic Cross
Protestant and Independent Christian ChurchesLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; Email info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition God and Service Nomination
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; Email info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org and http://scouting.quaker.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout That of God No. 3QOFBWebelos Scout That of God No. 3QOFBBoy Scout and Varsity Scout Spirit of Truth No. 3QOCBVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Spirit of Turth No. 3QOCBAdult Recognition Friends Nomination
The Salvation ArmyP.O. Box 269 Alexandria, VA 22313 Eastern Territory 914-620-7427 Central Territory 847-294-2112 Southern Territory 404-728-1363 Western Territory 310-544-6434 Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout Silver Crest God and Family

S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition Scouter's Award Nomination
United Church of ChristLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; Email info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition God and Service Nomination
United MethodistLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; Email info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org and http://www.umcscouting.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition God and Service Nomination; Cross and Flame Nomination; Torch Nomination
United Pentecostal Church InternationalLocal council service center or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123 Toll Free: 1-800-933-7729; Fax: 314-845-0038; Email info@praypub.org ; Web site http://www.praypub.org  To order pamphlets visit www.scoutstuff.org  Cub Scout God and Me (grades 1-3) S, No. 33604 C, No. 33603 M, No. 33606Webelos Scout God and Family S, No. 33597 C, No. 33598 M, No. 33595Boy Scout and Varsity Scout God and Church S, No. 33599 C, No. 33600 M, No. 33596Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout God and Life S, No. 33609 C, No. 33610 M, No. 33605Adult Recognition God and Service Nomination
Unity ChurchesP.O. Box 610 Lee's Summit, MO 64063 816-524-7414 Cub Scout God in MeWebelos Scout God in MeBoy Scout and Varsity Scout Light of God
Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Fillmore YouthAdult Recognition Distinguished Youth Service
ZoroastrianThe Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York c/o Ms. Temilyn Ghadially National Coordinator The Good Life Program 12 Rockwell Circle Marlboro, NJ 07746 732-972-6527 e-mail tghad@hotmail.com  Cub ScoutNoneWebelos ScoutNoneBoy Scout and Varsity Scout Good LifeVenturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout Good Life (To age 21)Adult RecognitionNoneMaterials with a Boy Scouts of America supply number are available from your local Scout council or from the BSA National Distribution Center toll-free at 800-323-0732. S = student material. C = counselor material. A = Adult mentor material. Notes: -
The Venturing Religious Life Bronze Award is part of the Venturing advancement program. This youth award is not part of the BSA religious emblems programs. For additional information, refer to the Venturer/Ranger Handbook, No. 33494, available from local Scout councils or the BSA National Distribution Center. -
Also available from Boy Scouts of America, Religious Relationships, S326, 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079; telephone 972-580-2191.