Month | Place | Event/Notes | January | Klondike Derby | | February | Winter Camp - Camp Sheppard | | March | Scouting for Food/Bouldering | | April | Ozette Loop | Back Packing | May | Steamboat Rock | | June | Dungeness Spit | | July | Philmont/Parsons | Summer Camp | August | Deception Pass | | September | Thunder Creek | | October | Hylebos District Camporee | | November | Shooting at Camp Piggott | | December | Pack Forest | Planning Retreat |

Ape Caves, Mt St Helens National Park
2009, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2002, 1997
Hike through the caves, then camp after hike. Camped at Seaquest State Park in 2005/2007
Battle Ground Park
Multnomah Falls Hike
Blake Island State Park
2009, 2007, 2001
Canoe/Boat to the Island. Camp sites have water available
Bowron Provincial Park, B.C., Canada
2006, 2004
The best wilderness Canoe trip in North America. 80 miles of alpine paddling that blows away anything in the boundary waters of Northern Tier. Guaranteed to see abundant wildlife in natural settings. Pretty good chance to catch fish as well. DO IT
Camp Arnold
Cabin Camp after Northwest Trek
Camp Black Mountain
1998, 1997
Spring Camping at BSA camp
Camp Baldwin, OR
2015, 2008,
Summer Camp. Good Swimming, Canoe, Kayak, Horsemanship, Wilderness Survival. High Adventure Climbing, Whitewater Rafting, Mountain Biking. Platform Tent Sites, Covered Kitchen.
Camp Bonaparte
Summer Camp, NE Washington
Camp Delezene
1999, 1996
Troop Outing
Camp Easton, ID
2007, 2002
Summer Camp awesome outdoor, shooting and water front program
Camp Fife
1999, 1998, 1996
Summer Camp. Big Hikes, Horses, pond.
Camp Fire Mountain
2010, 2004
Summer Camp at Fire Mountain
Camp Hahobas
2012, 2010, 2009, 2008
Troop Shooting Outing
2013, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1998, 1996
Fall Camporee
Summer Camp
Troop Beach Outing
Camp Kilworth
Games and Wood Stacking Project
2010, 2009, 2008
Cub Summer Camp Staff. A good day-camp or local overnight retreat. Rest room and water available. Kitchen and Lodge available.
Troop Essentials Weekend Camp
JLT Training
Camp Makualla, OR
2009, 2000
Summer Camp
Camp Meriweather, OR
2013, 1999, 1995
Summer Camp. Good Range Activities
Camp Muir
Camp Parsons
2012, 2001
Summer Camps. Great Water Sports
2000, 1997, 1995
Winter Camp
Camp Pigott
2006, 2005
Summer Camp.
Camp Sheppard
2016, 2015, 2014, 2009-2007, 2005-2003, 2001-1995
Winter Camp. Great fun in the snow. Cabin camping
Mom & Me Staffing
Camp Thunderbird
2015, 2014, 2009, 2007-2003
Webelos Weekend Staffing
2000, 1999
Fall Camporee
Cape Disappointment
Celebration Park, Federal Way
Cora Lake - Rainier National Forest
2010, 2008, 2006, 2004
Hike-in Camp Site. Rugged Alpine Lake. Natural Spring for Water.
Crystal Lakes, Mt Rainier National Park
Lower and Upper Lakes Campgrounds along Crystal Creek. Hike in, Dry Camp. Boys hiked to Upper Lake, Adults set up camp at Lower Lake Campground.
Dash Point State Park |
2016 |
Hiking, camping |
Duckabush Hike - Olympic National Forest
Philmont Training Hike. Camped overnight.
Deception Pass State Park
2013, 2008, 2004, 2003, 2001, 1999, 1996
Great Canoeing and Sea Kayaking, Beach Combing. Tent camping, Water, Rest Rooms
Dosewallops State Park
Camping and Hike Outing. Camped in primative sites. Hiked Park trail (10 miles). Lots of Clams and Oysters nearby (May).
Dungeness Spit
2004, 2001, 1998, 1996
Camp overnight. Hike the Spit into the Straight of Juan DeFuca
Farragut State Park, ID
Campsite with awesome view of south verticle face of mountains across Pend Oreille. Group campsite with plenty of flat open space and close in parking. Navy museum at Ranger Station is worth stopping to see.
Fort Ebey State Park
2016, 2014
Camping, Biking
Fort Flagler State Park
Annual Planning Retreat for 2009 planning. Cabin Camping.
2012, 2007
Camp, Hike, Kayak Outing
Fort Lewis, JBLM
2016, 2012, 2004
2002, 1999, 1998, 1995
Scouting Festival
Fort Worden State Park
Harhobas Beach Cabin
2015, 2014, 2015
Rowing, canoeing, Camping
Ipsut Creek, Mt Rainier National Park
2015, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2000
Dry Camping. Hike in 10 miles along old service road. Hike to Carbon River
Glacier - 10 miles further uphill
Lake Ozette, Olympic National Park
2014, 2011, 2007, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1998, 1996
3-day Hike. Ozette to Cape Alava, to Sand Point, back to Ozette
Lopez Island, San Juan
Bike and Camp
Mission of the Sacred Heart, ID
Oldest building in the State of Idaho. Old Mission State Park is worth the stop.
Mt. Big Si
Mt. Small Si
Mount St. Helens Summuit
Naval Submarine Museum
Keyport Naval Museum. Stopoff on the way to Fort Flagler. Lots to see - Submarines.
Orca Island, San Juan
Ferry, bike ride, camp outing
Pack Forest UW Retreat
2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005
Annual Planning Retreat. Cabin Camping. Surprising Snow Storm in 2007.
2016, 2012, 2009
Igloo/Snow Caving at Mt Rainier
Philmont Scout Ranch, NM
2008, 2005, 2001, 1998
Philmont Flag Pole where you rally at meal time each day with outbound hikers and inbound returned survivors. 68 mile hike included Tooth-of-Time. Lifetime experiences - Need to be physically fit.
Poo Poo Point, Tiger Mountain State Forest
Great 7 mile hike up to the hang glider take off area with view of Lake Sammamish and the Snoqualmie Valley I-90. Port-a-Pottie at the top is an important asset. Pack plenty of water for the hike up and down
Potholes State Park
2004, 2001, 2000
Canoe Camp Outing. State Park. Hot camping spot. Archery, Fishing, Boating, Water Sports.
at the Tacoma Waterfront Seascouts Dock. Thank you ASM Moore!
Silverwood Water Park, ID
Pre-camp outing of fun and excitement. Fire, water and rollercoasters were the name of the day. The forest fire was put out but the smoke was thick.
Skamokawa BLM Park
Dunes on the Columbia River. Canoe up creek, or along Columbia. Good views of ships travelling upriver. Good Camping Facilities. Trailer or Tent
Snoqualmie Summit
2010, 2008, 2006, 2003, 2002, 2001
Snow Sports - Tubing, Skiing, Snow Boarding. Lots of fun for a day activity.
Sun Lakes/Grand Coulee Dam
Cooley Dam Tour & fishing
Troop 342 Home
St. Vincent de Paul
West Seattle Stadium
Indoor Shooting . . . . .
Created by Mary Reece, January 1, 2009
Updated March 30, 2016

Month | Place | Event/Notes | January | Camp Shepard | Winter Camp | February | Paradise or Stevens Pass | Igloos/Ice Caves | March | Dash Point State Park | Camping | April | Fort Ebey State Park | Cycling/Camping | May | Potholes State Park | Camping | June | Sun Lakes State Park/Grand Coulee Dam | Camping/Hiking | July | Camp Parsons | Summer Camp | August | Washjam 2016, Fort Lewis | Camporee | September | Iron Horse Trail | Mountain Bike Ride | October | TBA | Shooting | November | Otter Falls | Camping | December | Pack Forest | Planning Retreat |