
Oh yea... leave those cozy tents and camp stoves at home. We're not messing around here, it's SURVIVOR Weekend!
Off you go in the cold fall/winter darkness, or perhaps the hot muggy summer night, with only a few supplies in your possession. Where are you going to sleep? Can you make an emergency shelter and spend an entire night sleeping in it? How will you stay warm? How do you light a fire without matches? Between you and a buddy, do you have enough supplies to get creative enough to fashion a shelter, get a fire for light, heat, and cooking? How about dealing with those bugs? Are you going to be scared, or can you keep your spirits high?
THIS IS IT.... this is the "adventure stuff" you were dreaming about when you decided to become a Boy Scout. Mommy stays home for this one, but fear not... with the right training, you're going to do just fine and you'll end up having a night to talk about for the rest of your life!

There's nothing more "Scout-like" than helping out our brother & sister Scout units. As Boy Scouts, we are the "leaders" in adventure and outdoor skills, so the gift of teaching skills is ours to give.
Started as the "diversity" part of Mr. Paul's Wood Badge "ticket" in 2005, GIRL SCOUT SKILL DAY is an all day (or weekend) event where Girl Scouts are invited to learn outdoor and camping skills with Boy Scouts as their teachers. In conjunction with the fabulous BCGF grounds, past events have included rifle shooting, archery, fishing, fire building, chemistry, orienteering, camp cooking & sanitation, axe, knife & saw training, and more.
Often, the classes are taught directly out of the GS handbooks, so our Scout Sisters earn GSA badges as a result of attending the event. Past events have included Girl Scouts coming from as far as Wilmington, DE.
Girls, are you ready for a solid taste of the "great outdoors"? Then reach out to us to help us plan the next GSSD agenda!