
Although Joseph is no longer involved, we honor him with this page as he was the first "Scout to Scouter" in the reformed troop. Joseph Napoli is an Eagle Scout who was a member of the "Raptor" patrol; the "inaugural" patrol after the Troop's total rebuild in 2006. He aged-out of Boy Scouts at his 18th birthday with 50 merit badges, 3 Eagle Palms, 50-miler, Historic Trails patch (Gettysburg), complete C&O Canal patch, Open Water SCUBA certification, and the Webelos Den Chief Award. Joseph participated in C.O.P.E. twice, Brownsea youth leader training, NYLT, and a high adventure trek canoeing for 5 days down the Missouri River, retracing the tracks of famed explorers Lewis & Clark. He served on 2 occasions as the Senior Patrol Leader and 2 occasions as the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and returned as an adult scouter as an ASM.
As a Cub Scout, Joseph earned the Arrow of Light, Light of Christ, Parvuli Dei, all 4 Rosary Patch emblems, and the Catholic Awareness award (NCCS) and was one of 2 boys in his Webelos patrol (Mongoose) to earn every Webelos activity badge. He also won "Most Outrageous Design" trophies every year for his Pinewood Derby cars. Joseph remained involved in Scouting as a youth member of Venturing Crew 247 until he aged-out on his 21st birthday. He currently serves as an Assistant Scoutmaster.
Joseph's other "claim to fame" can be found in the May 2012 issue of Boys Life Magazine where he was pictured/interviewed in a story about his work in the Robotics MB class at the BSA's first national STEM Day held at Aberdeen Proving Grounds.
Joseph attended St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg and is a graduate of the University of Baltimore where he majored in Business Management with a focus on Entrepreneurship. As a student, he won 1st place in the "Rise to the Challenge" business plan/proposal competition conducted by the Merrick School of Business. Joseph currently works in the Baltimore City District Court.
Joseph was joined in Scouting with his sister Jessica as a Venturing Scout, and his cousin Stephen as a Boy Scout (Manatee Patrol). He held the following designations:
- Assistant Scoutmaster (T-247)
- Youth Protection (Boy Scouts)
- STAND (Catholic youth protection training)
- Religious Emblems Coordinator (National Catholic Committee on Scouting) (STILL ACTIVE)
Joseph's hobbies are video games, fictional writing, drawing, kayaking, camping, fishing, nature hikes, and bicycling.

Eagle Scout and "Eagle Dad"
Lieutenant Christopher O'Ree is the Commander of the Baltimore Police Department’s Operation Cease Fire and has been a member of the Police Department since 1996. Prior to his career in law enforcement, Lieutenant O'Ree served 4 years with the United States Marine Corps as an infantryman. During his tenure with the department, Lieutenant O'Ree served in the Northwest District Patrol, Operations and Drug Unit, Criminal Investigations Division- Narcotics, Organized Crime Division, and HIDTA. After becoming a Sergeant in 2006, he worked in the Northern Patrol Unit, the Organized Crime Division (where he supervised the Undercover Squad), Violent Crime Impact Division and Violent Crime Impact Section. In 2011, he was promoted to Lieutenant assigned to the Education and Training Section, Academy Commander were he supervised the Entry Level training program. Lieutenant O'Ree is the recipient of a Bronze Star, two Commendation Ribbons and four Unit Citations.
Chris is an Eagle Scout 1987, Troop 97 and a member of the Order of the Arrow, Atlantic Highlands, Monmouth County, New Jersey. He is an experience Emergency Medical Technician 1988- 1992 Holmdel New Jersey Fire, First Aid and Rescue Squad. He is also trained in High angle rope rescue, building collapse and vehicle extrication. From 1991- 1995 he served in the USMC as an Infantry man, Anti-terror operations. He is also an avid rock climber, hiker and back woods camper.
Chris was also the Pack 247 Cub Master for two years and currently has three sons in Troop 247 one of which is an Eagle Scout. Chris is a Merit Badge councilor for Climbing, Camping, Hiking, Backpacking, Pioneering, Citizenship in the Nation, Physical Fitness and others.

Officer Bryan Mackey is a member of the United States Capitol Police and has been with the Department since 1989, Mr. Bryan also was a sergeant in the US Army and Maryland Army National Guard serving as a helicopter crewchief. He was a NBC NCO, Marksmanship NCO, and a combat lifesaver. He also taught aircrew survival. He was deployed to El Salvador in 1999 as part of a Task Force for the Victims of Hurricane Mitch. As a police officer with the Capitol Police Mr. Bryan has served in many different assignments and is a Crisis Intervention Officer. He currently works on the Cannon House Office Building Renovation Project.
The first uniform Mr. Bryan ever wore was at the age of 7 when he became a Cub Scout with Pack 155 at Calvary Lutheran Church. He was a Boy Scout at Troop 100 and then Troop 155. In 1982 he went to Philmont Scout Reservation. Mr. Bryan was an Assistant Scoutmaster at Troop 155 when he aged out. When his son entered cub Scouts at Pack 475, Mr. Bryan found himself back in uniform again as a Den Leader and later as a Webelos Leader. Mr. Bryan became an Assistant Scoutmaster at Troop 247 and currently helps the PLC with Leadership training. Mr. Bryan currently serves as the Committee Chair for Troop 247.
Mr. Bryan is a Merit Badge counselor for the Aviation, Camping, Citizenship In The Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship In The World, Crime Prevention, Emergency Preparedness, Family Life, Fingerprinting, Fire Safety, First Aid, Model Design And Building, Orienteering, Rifle Shooting (NRA Certified Rifle Instructor), Safety, Search And Rescue, Small-Boat Sailing, Traffic Safety, and Wilderness Survival Merit Badges. He is one of the co-organizers of the Troop 247 Invitational Klondike Derby.
His hobbies are shooting, model rocketry, model building, sailing, and camping. He is a shooting instructor and an avid collector of historic firearms. At Calvary Lutheran Church he volunteers as one of the caretakers. He is married and has a son and a daughter.