
As the end of September approaches we begin to look at our annual trip to the World Brotherhood Camporee!
This year the camporee is in Canada! This means that we will be crossing the border. Adults must have an enhanced drivers license or a passport to cross the border, scouts need to have a copy of their birth certificate and the completed permission slip signed by BOTH parents (Unless only one parent has custody).
The camporee is at the Riverside-Cedar Campground.
(13180Cty Rd 2 Morrisburg, Ontario)
(Latitude: 44.935529/ Longitude: -75.121131)
This year the cost for the trip, gas, and food comes to
$50 per scout and
$70 for adults and siblings.
A $20 non-refundable deposit is due for 6/27/23. Balance due by 9/5/23. Unless you wish to purchase anything at the store at the camporee (hats, shirts, patches) this will be all the money you will need.

This camporee is predicted have over 2000 scouts in attendance, most of them wanting to trade patches, scout memorabilia, or other collectibles.

For those of you new to patch trading, we will get you set up with a starter kit and instruct you in the rules of patch trading Saturday morning.
As always, this is a camping trip. Fall is approaching and it very well may reach freezing temperatures. Cold weather gear is suggested! This means sweatshirts, plenty of clean clothing, a warm sleeping bag, a pad for underneath the sleeping bag, lots of extra socks, and a winter had would be suggested as well (it helps when trying to go to sleep, trust me).
Scouts may bring their own tent if they wish.
Also, make sure all scouts have a mess kit! If they don't bring theirs, they will have no choice but to use the dreaded BIEBER-WARE!!!
(... the horror...)
Except for the length of the journey and the main activity of the camporee this will be similar to most other campouts we have gone on. If there are any questions, feel free to ask.