Scout Oath
“On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”
Scout Law
A Scout is:
- Trustworthy,
- Loyal,
- Helpful
- Friendly,
- Courteous,
- Kind,
- Obedient,
- Cheerful,
- Thrifty,
- Brave,
- Clean,
- and Reverent.
Cub Scout Sign
The sign is made with the right hand and with the arm held straight up. The two fingers stand for the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. They look like a wolf’s ears ready to listen to Akela. Scouts give the Cub Scout Sign when they say the Scout Oath, Scout Law, or are called to attention.
Cub Scout Handshake 
Using the right hand, one places his first two fingers along the inside of the other scout’s wrist. Scouts do this to help each other remember and obey the Scout Oath and Law.
Cub Scout Motto
“Do Your Best”
Cub Scout Salute
Scouts point their first two fingers of their right hand out straight and close together, touching the tips of the fingers to their cap or if not wearing a cap then to their eyebrow. A salute is a way to show respect.