When you see someone in a uniform you know they belong to a specific group. A policeman wears a uniform and so does a doctor and a fireman. As a Cub Scout you will wear a uniform too. If you are in kindergarten, 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade you will wear a blue shirt, blue pants, and a neckerchief in the correct color; yellow for Lion, orange for Tiger, Red for Wolf, and blue for Bear. Don't forget Webelos. They wear the tan shirt and olive green pants, the same as the Boy Scouts wear. All Webelos will wear the Webelos neckerchief which is yellow, blue, and red plaid. The blue and yellow is to remind them they are still in a Pack and the red is to remind them they will be moving to Boy Scouts soon. There are other parts of the uniform: pants, belt and a cap. If you wear the blue shirt you wear blue pants and the cap for your den. If you wear the tan shirt you will wear olive green pants and the Webelos cap. "The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country." --Robert Baden-Powell
Wearing uniforms has been a method of the Scouting movement from the beginning. Decades of experience show uniforming to have many benefits, including: - Equality. The uniform represents a democratic ideal of equality. Boys from various cultures and different economic levels wear the same uniform and cooperate as equals.
- Identification. The uniform identifies a boy as a member of the Cub Scouts. Badges on the uniform tell other members that he belongs to their den, pack, and council. The uniform itself identifies a good citizen to the entire community.
- Achievement. The uniform displays badges and other awards so the accomplishments of each Cub Scout can be immediately recognized.
- Commitment. Wearing a uniform is a constant reminder to each Cub Scout of his commitment to the ideals and purposes of Cub Scouting: duty to God, loyalty to country, and helpfulness to others.
For these reasons, among others, all parents should emphasize to their Scouts the importance of wearing the correct and complete uniform on all suitable occasions.
In general, every Cub Scout should wear his uniform (also referred to as a "Class A" uniform) to all Cub Scouting activities, including den and pack meetings, unit outings, and any activities done with members of the den or pack. When playing sports, going to camp, or participating in other physical activities, the pack or den may opt to have the Cub Scouts wear an alternate uniform, such as an activity shirt (also referred to as a "Class B" t-shirt). Den and pack leaders will provide advance notice of any occasion when the boys should wear anything other than the complete uniform. Here are some tips for wearing the uniform: - DO keep the uniform clean and in good repair. The official uniform is a sturdy, machine-washable garment that will last for years with proper care.
- DO be sure to wear the complete uniform. A Cub Scout wearing a uniform with parts missing is not in uniform.
- DO securely fasten rank insignia patches and award patches to the uniform (sewing is preferred) as soon as possible after receiving them. (Well Tailor at 14533 Metcalf Ave has a seamstress available that can sew the patches onto the uniform in the proper place for a modest fee. Other local tailors can also sew patches onto the uniform, but may need to be instructed as to placement.)
- DO NOT wear non-BSA badges, patches, awards, or insignia (such as fun patches from an activity) on the Cub Scout uniform or make any alterations to the uniform or insignia. These should be worn on a "brag vest," sweatshirt, or some other non-uniform apparel.
- DO NOT mix uniform parts with non-uniform clothing, such as wearing a uniform cap with other clothing. The uniform should be treated as a unit—worn in its entirety, or not at all.
- DO NOT wear uniform parts inappropriately or disrespectfully, such as wearing the uniform cap backwards.
Any time you are uncertain about the uniform, ask a leader for guidance.
The Cub Scout uniform consists of the following parts: - Shirt—Official navy blue Cub Scout short sleeve uniform shirt. Shirts are always worn tucked in. Note: your scout will wear this shirt from 1st through 3rd grade, so purchase a larger size for younger boys and he will have room to grow into the shirt.
- Pants / shorts—Official navy blue Cub Scout pants / shorts. Also acceptable are navy blue pants / shorts (like school uniforms) or neat and clean blue jeans. Pants / shorts should be free of holes, stains, etc.
- Belt—Official navy blue web belt with Cub Scout emblem buckle. Note: Tigers should purchase the Cub Scout emblem buckle.
- Shoes and Socks—Any stable closed-toe shoe is appropriate. In some events, such as hiking, the scout may benefit from activity-specific shoes, but this is completely at the discretion of the parents. Clean socks should always be worn with the shoes. The official Cub Scout socks are optional.
- Cap—Official Cub Scout cap with den colors and emblem for Tiger (orange), Wolf (yellow), or Bear (blue).
- Neckerchief—Official Cub Scout neckerchief with den colors and emblem for Tiger (orange), Wolf (yellow), or Bear (blue). Official Cub Scout neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs boys should wear.
- Neckerchief slide—Official Cub Scout slide with the den emblem. Boys may also wear handmade neckerchief slides.
The adult leader uniform consists of the following parts: - Shirt—Adult leaders (male and female) wear the tan Boy Scout uniform shirt. It is worn with blue shoulder loops. Shirts are always worn tucked in.
- Pants / shorts—Adult leaders (male and female) wear the official Boy Scout olive green pants or shorts. Also acceptable are olive green cargo pants / shorts or olive green tactical pants / shorts (e.g. 5.11, Propper). Pants / shorts should be free of holes, stains, etc.
- Belt—Official Boy Scout olive green web belt or official leather belt. The BSA emblem belt buckle is worn with the belt.
- Shoes and Socks—Any stable closed-toe shoe is appropriate. In some events, such as hiking, the adult leader may benefit from activity-specific shoes, but this is completely at his/her discretion. Clean socks should always be worn with the shoes. The official Boy Scout socks are optional.
- Cap—Optional. Den level or BSA cap is optional.
- Neckerchief—Optional. Navy blue Cub Scout Leader, plaid Webelos Leader, or Wood Badge (if earned) neckerchief. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that should be worn.
- Neckerchief slide—Optional. Official gold-tone metal slide with the den emblem, official BSA slide, or Wood Badge (if earned) slide. Adult leaders may also wear handmade neckerchief slides.
Note: Only registered adult leaders should wear the BSA uniform. All other adults should wear their pack activity shirts (also referred to as a "Class B" shirt) to all pack and den activities.
The following patches are required of all Scouts and adult leaders. These should be purchased with the uniform shirt and worn on the uniform shirt at all times: Right Sleeve- American Flag (included on shirt) - Den number or patrol patch (check with your den leader) Left Sleeve- Heart or America Council shoulder patch - Unit numerals: 3449, white numbers on red background (available as single patch at Scout Shop) - Leader position patch (adults only) Shirt Front- World Council of Scouting emblem Rank insignia patches (e.g. Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light) and award patches (e.g. religious square knot, Recruiter, Conservation award, etc.) will be presented by the pack to the Scouts as earned, and should be properly placed on the uniform as soon as practical, preferably by sewing. Information about proper patch placement can be found in your Cub Scout's handbook, in the Cub Scout Insignia document, or on the BSA Uniforms web site.
Each scout is expected to own a copy of the handbook appropriate for his rank and to bring his handbook to each den meeting. The handbook provides the requirements to earn each rank (Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light) and a place to record progress. Each scout should write his name in permanent ink on the title page (inside the book) in the space provided for this purpose.
For Lion through Bear ranks, if an activity is completed outside of the den meeting, the parent, adult partner, or another trusted adult should sign in the boy’s handbook, indicating the Cub Scout has done his best to complete the requirement. The den leader then approves that requirement after consultation with the family or the boy to confirm completion. If a requirement is completed in a den meeting, the den leader signs in both places. Den leaders may, however, ask an assistant or parent who helps at meetings to play the role of "Akela" and assist with the approvals. For Webelos and Arrow of Light ranks, the den leader signs for approval of all requirements, unless the den leader delegates this responsibility. (Guide to Advancement, section
The handbooks are sold in two different bindings: a traditional paperback binding and a spiral binding. The decision of which to purchase is up to the scout and his family.
NOTE: There is no Arrow of Light handbook. The Arrow of Light rank is part of the Webelos program and the requirements are in the Webelos handbook.