Advancement ResourcesThe following resources provide additional information about advancement. Links are provided to materials that are available online. General Resources - Guide to Advancement 2015, No. 33088, download pdf
 - Advancement Educational Presentations
- Advancement News
- Abilities Digest
- Advancement Report, No. 34403
 - Boy Scout Handbook, No. 34554
- Eagle Scout Challenge, No. 542-900
 - Friendstorming on Tour, No. 510-003
 - Getting the Most From Internet Advancement, - Advancement Educational Presentation
- Lone Scout Friend and Counselor Guidebook, No. 511-420
 - On Increasing Advancement, No. 512-047
 - Recommendations for Regional and Area Volunteers Supporting the Advancement Program, No. 512-048
 - Scoutmaster Handbook, No. 33009
- Troop Committee Guidebook, No. 616928
- Troop/Team Record Book, No.34508
- Troop Resource Survey, No. 512-116
 - Guide to Awards and Insignia, No. 33066
- Venturing Board of Review Guide, No. 512-940
 Rank Advancement - 2016 Boy Scout Rank Requirements
 - 2016 Boy Scout Rank Requirements - Printable Insert
 - Application for Alternative Eagle Scout Rank Merit Badges, No. 512-730
 - Belated Eagle Scout Rank Application, No. 512-076
 - Eagle Scout Rank Application 2016, No. 512-728
 - Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 512-927
This is the newly revised Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. Scouts who have already downloaded the previous workbook may continue to use it. Please let us know how we may further improve your experience. Send comments to advancement.team@scouting.org.  - Eagle Scout Service Project Coach Application, No. 512-069
 - Individual Scout Advancement Plan, No. 512-936
 - Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project; Information for Project Beneficiaries
 - Request for Extension of Time to Earn Eagle Scout Rank, No. 512-077
 - Request for Registration Beyond the Age of Eligibility, No. 512-935
 - Troop/Team/Crew Advancement Chart, No. 34506
- Venturing Summit Award Service Project Workbook, No. 512-938
 - Venturing Summit Award Application, No. 512-941
Merit Badges