What Is Cub Scouting?

Cub Scouting is fun! No matter what grade you are in, first through fifth, it can be a blast. Do you like to learn by doing? This is just the place. You can learn to tie knots, set up a tent, or shoot a bow and arrow (archery). Have you ever cooked a meal on a campfire? Sent a secret code to a buddy? Built a birdhouse? Hiked? Earn rewards for doing these things in Cub Scouts.
Cub Scouts Belong to Packs and Dens
As a Cub Scout, you will be part of your own pack.
The pack is divided into smaller groups called dens. Each den has about six to eight boys. All of the Cub Scouts in your den are in the same grade and may even go to the same school.
The Cub Scout pack belongs to a church, a school, or some other group of people in your community or neighborhood. This group makes sure your pack has good adult leaders, a place to meet, and exciting things to do. The group gets help from the Boy Scouts of America, which is part of Scouting around the world.
Cub Scouts Do Things and Go Places

Have you been to the local police station and talked to the policemen on duty? Or visited the fire station and sat in the driver's seat of the pumper truck? Or visited the local TV station and sat in the news anchor's chair? These are some of the places you might go with your den or pack.
You might also build a pinewood derby car and race it on the track, build a sailboat or trimaran and race it in the raingutter regatta, or build a spaceship and race it to the stars in the pack space derby.
Cub Scouts Earn Awards
Each time you complete an accomplishment or learn a new skill, you will be rewarded. Sometimes the reward is a loop for your belt, a pin, or a patch. Sometimes it is a smile on your parents' faces to see you grow and learn.
Safety is the top priority of scouting in Pack 860. Pack 860 leaders and members strictly adhere to the Boy Scouts of America policy regarding Youth Protection and attend a vigorous training program to ensure that all Pack 860 Cub Scouts are kept safe at all times.
FUN, FUN, FUNPack 860 Cub Scouts have a LOT of FUN! They go camping, build and race pinewood derby cars, learn how to tie knots, learn archery and many other fun skills. They have overnighters aboard aircraft carriers, camp overnight at Wilderness Park, have scavenger hunts, play games, attend summer camp at Lake Arrowhead, watch and perform skits and much, much more.
ACHIEVEMENTSPack 860 Cub Scouts earn badges, belt loops, pins and other symbols of achievement as they advance towards becoming Boy Scouts. There are many awards that cubs can earn as they learn...the more awards they earn,
the more awards they want and the more they want to learn.
CONFIDENCECubs are encouraged to verbally present their latest achievements to the Pack thus fostering their public speaking skills and confidence. Performing in skits is another way Cubs become comfortable in front of an audience of their friends.
ENRICHMENTCub Scouting is fulfilling and enriching. Scouting teaches important values that will last a lifetime.
The Cub Scout promise includes ‘doing your best’ and ‘helping other people’. Pack 860 Cub Scouts learn how to put their promise into action. Cub Scouts help others by collecting food, clothing and money to share with the less fortunate. Cub Scouts also learn about nutrition, good eating habits, sports, fitness, leadership, avoiding dangers and so much more.
RESPECTPack 860 Cub Scouts learn respect for our country by learning about our past and by showing respect for our flag. Cub Scouts learn about America’s heritage, it’s heroes and what makes America special. Cub Scouts learn the Pledge of Allegiance, how to conduct a flag ceremony and the care of our nation’s greatest symbol.
Cub Scouts are also encouraged to learn more about their own religious beliefs.
ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITYPack 860 Cub Scouts learn about our planet and how to care for it. Pack 860 Cub Scouts participate in Beach Clean Up Day to help keep our local Hermosa Beach waterfront clean and safe. Scouts learn that they are responsible to ‘take only photographs’ and ‘leave nothing but footprints’ when they explore nature.
SELF RELIANCEPack 860 Cub Scouts gain an additional sense of accomplishment for their achievements as they raise money for their programs by harvesting and selling mistletoe, by selling popcorn and through other fundraisers. This also teaches salesmanship and the benefits of hard work. Scouts also learn that preparing and cooking their own meals can be fun.
FRIENDSAND LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!...Pack 860 Cub Scouts live in Hermosa Beach and scouting allows the Cubs to grow their school-based circle of friends.