The Boy Scout program focuses upon the development of character, citizenship, and physical fitness. The ample opportunities to learn and practice leadership help in character development. The Boy Scout program emphasizes the expectation that the young man can manage himself, learn to be self-sufficient in the outdoors, and manage his own affairs. This is one of the primary ways Scouting develops character.
Troop 779 fully embraces the idea of a Boy Lead Troop. The Scouts elect a set of youth leaders who then run the Scouting program with assistance from the adult leadership. The key point in a Boy Lead Troop is that meetings and campouts are organized and conducted by the youth themselves providing a leadership development opportunity.
Troop 779 prides itself on having strong Advancement and Outdoor programs. The Advancement program provides ever increasing challenges to a young man increasing his self esteem and feeling of accomplishment. The Outdoor program provides opportunities to have fun and teaches the skills needed to be self-sufficient in the outdoors.
Chartered Through
Sedge Garden United Methodist Church
Kernersville, NC
BSA Troop 779 have enjoyed the sponsorship from
Sedge Garden United Methodist Church since 1962.
SGUMC is a community leader in youth programs and generously provides the Unit with meeting facilities, a large Scout room to store our equipment in, as well as support within the community.