Boy Scout Troop 302 started operation on March 28,
1927. We have reviewed our historical file at the council office and it
includes the original charter. In the charter, Troop #1 is shown as the
preceding troop. Troop #1 failed to renew their charter sometime between 1922 and 1927. The first scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 302 was Robert W. Armstrong. He was 22 and in college. Mr. Armstrong had been a member of the previous troop
#1 from 1917 to 1922. Three committee members listed were Glen
Hovermale - Superintendent of schools, L.W. Armstrong - a physician, and
Charles Cook, a banker.
The troop started with ten boys
and has continued to be sponsored since 1927 by the Danville United
Methodist Church. Danville United Methodist church is one of the oldest
continuous sponsors of a Boy Scout Troop. Older boys are assigned to younger boys as mentors. The older scout then
helps the younger with rank advancement and scouting skills. Patrols
are broken up by age so the younger boys are in their own patrol. This
mentor arrangement encourages camaraderie and teamwork between patrols.
We are very proud of our troop history and will continue as a small, friendly, family.